Lester Young gives us his personal experiences with second chance hiring

5 months ago

There are a lot of stories out there about the companies that have blessedly tackled the desperate need for a pathway back to gainful employment and a meaningful career for those who've served time in prison.

But you don't hear too many stories from the other side, from the people who have successfully made the transition back from the world of incarceration. So it was a treat to hear from Lester Young, who not only forged that kind of success for himself thanks to an early opportunity from Tyson Foods, but has since become an author, speaker, activist, and advocate to help others along that same path.

Here are some highlights:
4:30 - the mountain of challenges people face re-entering society from prison
7:30 - a simple challenges example that can still be overwhelming: navigating a fast-food restaurant
9:30 - Lester's opportunity: Tyson Foods gave him his first job after prison
11:30 - early understanding from a supervisor with a relative who was incarcerated
12:30 - typical blind spots: needing a person to help the candidate, and the need for emotional support
15:30 - zero to 100 days after release are critical, especially with regard to the psychology of money
19:15 - it takes five years to completely re-integrate
24:00 - for companies: create the environment to create great people
28:30 - conduct a needs assessment, including housing and transportation
33:30 - states should do more to educate companies on the benefits of engaging in second chance hiring

There's an incredible amount of depth in what Lester has to say, since he lived it himself. This one's critical in so many ways, and manufacturing is uniquely positioned to help make a big difference in the lives of people and the state our communities.

Do check out the whole thing!

Lester's website: https://path2redemption.org/
(you can buy his books and connect with him for speaking gigs there!)

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