Short Sci-Fi Story From the 1960s The Time of Cold by Mary Carlson

5 months ago

Short Science Fiction Story From the 1960s Time Travel Short Story The Time of Cold by Mary Carlson

Queer creatures! They fled the life-giving sun and hid where even tin froze solid! The Time of Cold by Mary Carlson, that’s next on The Lost Sci-Fi Podcast.

If Mary Carlson was a singer we would call her a one hit wonder. As an author we don't have a catchy phrase to describe her but we do know she is exactly why we created The Lost Sci-Fi Podcast. A woman we know nothing about, except for this one story. A woman with words that deserve to be immortalized.

You will find Mary Carlson's only published sci-fi short story, that we know of, on page 34 in If Worlds of Science Fiction in September 1963, The Time of Cold by Mary Carlson…

Next on The Lost Sci-Fi Podcast, The story of a dictator who sought to hold power by allying himself psychically with a powerful beast. The Beast-Helper by Frank Belknap Long.

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