Article 5044 Video - Hurricane Situation Update - Monday, September 30, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

17 hours ago

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Article 5044 Video - Hurricane Situation Update - Monday, September 30, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

Most of western North Carolina has been badly damaged by flooding and windstorms and grid collapse; many roads, bridges, and thousands of homes have been obliterated or significantly damaged. Public infrastructure has failed in many places -- water treatment, sanitation facilities, power plants, and communications systems are down.

The important city of Asheville, North Carolina, is cut off with all roads and bridges and grid systems down. Castle Rock no longer exists. This is a very dire, major, catastrophic weather event on a scale with Hurricane Katrina.

Rescue efforts are additionally hampered by challenging natural typography throughout the region.

Signal has continued to work and function perfectly. Anyone who has a phone with a charge can connect via Signal even without internet service.

We have spent the last two days gathering information and tracking loved ones and members of the Assemblies. At this point, 26 members of the North Carolina Assembly are still unaccounted for.

My middle son and his wife were cut off and stranded on the collapsing road grid for seventeen hours before they were able to locate old backroads and navigate around the numerous bridge and road closures and get back to their home in Greeneville, Tennessee.

Greeneville is on the far western edge of the disaster area and has suffered the loss of their water treatment plant, but all else is up and running. It will likely be a staging ground for relief and construction initiatives going into western North Carolina.

The Peacekeeping Task Force has been monitoring the situation and is mobilizing State Assembly Militias in neighboring States and taking other actions to network and facilitate rescue and relief efforts.

The North Carolina Assembly Coordinator and Marshal at Arms have both survived the onslaught and are in communication. Niti Bali, host of the popular Tuesday morning podcast, who has been leading the organization of farmers and farm organizations in North Carolina has also gotten through it and is unscathed and in communication.

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