Article 5043 Video - International Public Notice: Objection to the "USN" By Anna Von Reitz

5 months ago

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Article 5043 Video - International Public Notice: Objection to the "USN" - Monday, September 30, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

As the name, "United States Note", implies, this currency is again a debt note, or I.O.U. being used in commerce. It claims to be "gold-backed" which also implies that our land assets or the land assets of some other country are being used to back this new "note".

We have cause to believe that the representations being made about this "note" are based on more constructive fraud and illegal acts.

We are the land and soil jurisdiction government of record for this country; all the State Trusts assets are owed to our Member States, and that includes all gold and silver and land and other material assets of the States that have to be returned to them.

Not just to Native Nations that are groups of people within our States of the Union. Our States are Nation-States in-and-of-themselves, which means that every American is also a national of their State.

This may be unusual, but it is nonetheless our lawful form of government and the use of our assets to promote more "debt notes" and more fraud against our people is not to be tolerated.

The only "debt" involved is the debt that our erstwhile Employees owe to us for their use and misuse of our assets under conditions of deceit and False Pretenses.

It's time for this situation to end and for the assets to be returned to our direct control ---- not the perpetuation of another debt-fraud scheme and more bankruptcy bunko down the road.

Where does the debt in the concept of the "debt notes" come from?

It comes from our Federal Employees commandeering our assets into illegal State Trusts that were never authorized by anyone having the standing and authority to create these trusts and make these "donations" for us.

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