International Public Notice: Food Supplies Are Contaminated Worldwide By Anna Von Reitz

18 hours ago

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Article 5038 Video - International Public Notice: Food Supplies Are Contaminated Worldwide - Monday, September 30, 2024 By Anna Von Reitz

Again, the United Nations is proving to be a useless and failed organization, which has done nothing substantial to address the actual problems.

The Book of Isaiah lays out the Israelite war plan against their captors; they would subtly pollute the water and the bread and thereby undermine the health and sanity of their masters.

Today, how do you pollute the water? By adding iron to it. And chlorine. And fluoride.

How do you pollute the bread? And, turn it into an addictive substance? See here:

It's not the wheat that makes it addictive; no, it's the destructive processing that leaches out any food value from the flour and the unseen additives that these self-serving criminals have been allowed to add to the flour and bread products.

Addiction sells.

It's the same way with tobacco. Natural tobacco is not addictive. Dr. Bryan Ardis has proved that beyond question. No, it's additives to tobacco ---that the goons at the FDA have allowed--- that make tobacco and tobacco products addictive.

Those artificially addictive tobacco products regulated by the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, and Firearms, provide the foreign incorporated "Federal Government Service Providers" billions of dollars in sin taxes every year, at the expense of our health and pocketbooks.

One wonders what they are adding to the beer, wine, and hard liquor to make these regulated products artificially addictive, too?

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