Sci-Fi Mutants Atomic Station by Frank Belknap Long Short Science Fiction Story from the 1940s

5 months ago

Science Fiction Short Story From the 1940s Sci-Fi Mutants Atomic Station by Frank Belknap Long

When the energy of Earth’s experimental station in space runs amuck, scientist Roger Sheldon puts up a big battle! Atomic Station by Frank Belknap Long, that’s next on The Lost Sci-Fi Podcast.

This is the second appearance on the podcast for Frank Belknap Long. You may remember the Time Travel story The Man From Time. Today’s titillating tale is from the Winter 1946 issue of Thrilling Wonder Stories magazine. Turn to page 83, Atomic Station by Frank Belknap Long…

Next on The Lost Sci-Fi Podcast, When Dave Carter tried to rescue the Denebians he found himself in a den of thieves. And he had cause to remember Shakespeare's observation: "Hewho steals my purse steals trash.” The Mystery of Deneb IV by Robert Silverberg.

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