John Wyndham Audiobook Short Science Fiction Story From the 1950s The Early Days of Sci Fi

5 months ago

John Wyndham Short Story Sci-Fi Short Stories From the 1950s The Early Days of Science Fiction

The Lost Sci-Fi Podcast Episode 277 – Never on Mars by John Wyndham

Jeremy got to Mars, all right, but nobody else came back. And so people would not believe he had actually been there at all. Never on Mars by John Wyndham, that’s next on The Lost Sci-Fi Podcast.

John Wyndham appears for the first time on our podcast. Wyndham was born in 1903, the English science fiction writer is best known for his novels The Day of the Triffids, released on the big screen in 1963 and The Midwich Cuckoos, later filmed as Village of the Damned in 1960.

He wrote about a dozen novels and more than 70 short stories.

A British daily newspaper, The Financial Times, called Wyndham, "one of Great Britain's most serious and literate pioneers of intelligent science-fiction", and that "he always wrote well and imaginatively”.

It took a great deal of imagination to write today’s story which was published in Fantastic Universe in January 1954 on page 62, Never on Mars by John Wyndham…

Next on The Lost Sci-Fi Podcast, Want to join our secret organization? Well, first you have to pass the tests. Membership Drive by Murray F. Yaco.

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