Here I am again...

4 months ago

Pondering how did I get here
and where am I going.
It only felt like yesterday,
16 doing the same thing.
Walking aimlessly through life
wondering how to navigate the strife.
The strife that strikes me down like a knife.
At 16 I had no clue that 40 years on,
life would become so dangerous.
Every decision made with fear and dread.
Every path trod like a gauntlet,
with hidden dangers and obstacles ready to block the path with every step.

Thankfully it's not all doom and gloom.
There is happiness, joy and fulfilment in abundance.
Love, faith and loyalty.
Pleasure, amusement and fun.

I'm certainly not done,
and while I have been hurt, damaged and wounded,
I've managed thus far to avoid any fatal blows.

It hasn't been easy.
It's been a challenge.
But I'm proud of myself in reaching thus far,
and looking forward to more tomorrow.

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