Dr. Bret Weinstein | Rescue the Republic

4 hours ago

Rescue the Republic | LIVE from Washington DC | Sep 29th

IT’S TIME TO RESCUE THE REPUBLIC - We need YOU to join the resistance. Together, we can restore the values that make our Republic and the Western world so beautiful and worth preserving.

"Our constitutional republic has become senile. The immunities it once had are gone, and it has lost sight of its purpose, all of which has opened it to capture by parasitic and predatory forces."

This is our moment to defend and celebrate the values and principles that have made America and the West the freest, fairest and most productive society the world has ever known. At its heart the West is an agreement to distribute opportunity as widely as possible, and to allow the market to reward those who produce wealth from which we collectively benefit. Our civilization today is in grave danger and every single principle on which the West is based is under simultaneous threat. This moment demands radical change and requires liberals, conservatives, and independents of every color and creed to unify to rescue the West.


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