College Enrollments Tank After Whites Pushed To The Side

6 years ago

Evergreen College Students Furious After Footage Of Their Anti-White Riot Goes Viral
Students at Evergreen College are reportedly furious after a viral video has put their recent anti-white riots on display for the entire internet to see.

As The College Fix reports, the students can be seen in the video ranting about “racist white teachers” and “white-ass administrators” while shouting “black power” chants.

According to The Olympian, this outrage was unleashed after a professor by the name of Bret Weinstein refused to cave to the demands of SJWs that all white people stay off the Evergreen College campus for one day.

“They imagine that I am racist and that I am teaching racism in the classroom,” he said according to the outlet. “And that has caused them to imagine that I have no right to speak and that I am harming students by the very act of teaching them.”
Here’s the video of the “takeover” students staged.

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