A Short and Convoluted History of the AG-42B

5 months ago

It's not even the most famous Swedish military rifle -- admittedly a short list -- but that nation's AG-42 and AG-42B rifles had a fairly interesting, if short, history. In this episode of A Short and Convoluted History Of, the Redneck Preppy explores the creation and use of Erik Eklund's sole contribution to the world of military firearms.

0:05 Introduction
0:43 A Closer Look at the AG-42B
5:40 Before the AG-42
8:18 Who Was Erik Eklund
11:20 Continuing the Story
21:39 Other Users of the AG-42 and AG-42B
24:29 The Legacy of the AG-42B

Inside the Ljungman AG-42B Cleaning Kit - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mtGTi4MHONs

How to read Swedish rifle buttstock disks - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0p2wT3ZCLUg

Pictures of FM 40 WBG and Swedish test rifles courtesy of O. Janson and used with the kind permission of the Gothia Arms Historical Society in Gothenburg Sweden (https://www.gotavapen.se/index_english.htm)

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Music: "Vi går fram, fram, fram" - Swedish Army March

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