WAIT … WTAF Was THAT?! Tim Walz Just Did Something Really WEIRD In Front Of College Students

5 months ago

Posted • September 30, 2024: Tim Walz is just an odd dude. Off. Strange. Different. Let's face it, the guy is WEIRD. He's the sort of guy you find talking to himself in a baby voice on public transit who smells like he hasn't bathed since Obama was in office. Just … yeah. And we're not even making it up when we say he's weird, he's giving us all sorts of material to use that PROVES he's not right. Like this (and apologies to those of you who will instantly wish they hadn't watched this): This guy is so weird. -- What. Was. That? And why would he do that in front of a bunch of college students? I can’t unsee this now. 🤦🏻‍♀️ (…)

• More at: Twitchy - WAIT … WTAF Was THAT?! Tim Walz Just Did Something Really WEIRD in Front of College Students

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