THE CASE Reiner-Fuellmich Public Prosecutor's Demand in Reiner Fuellmich's Criminal Case

4 months ago

Public Prosecutor's Demand in Reiner Fuellmich's Criminal Case: Three Years and Nine Months in Prison
Posted on August 29, 2024 by Djamila le Pair

The Public Prosecutor's closing argument also came as a complete surprise to the lawyers of German Lawyer and Corona Ausschuss co-founder Reiner Fuellmich.

The height of the demand, 3 years and 9 months in prison, had more or less been expected, but the fact that the judge suddenly gave the floor to the Public Prosecutor, Philipp Simon John, who was apparently the only one of the three parties prepared to deliver a closing argument, after a tumultuous twenty-seventh hearing, came as a bolt from the blue for the rest of those present.

During the trial, which started in February of this year, an average of three to four hearings took place per month. Chairman Carsten Schindler had indicated several times that he wanted to conclude, so it was clear that the trial would end in the foreseeable future. However, the surprise was in the timing.

A renewed attack on Fuellmich by Viviane Fischer's lawyer Frank Großenbach, followed by an escalating interaction between Fuellmich and the restraining judge Schindler, concerns about violent attacks on two fellow prisoners, the refusal to give Fuellmich's lawyer Mr. Edgar Siemund the floor and approximately three hours of interruptions, made that Wednesday, August 28, a controversial day.

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