New EU legislation coming: will the EU soon be reading your phone? | #1718 Michel Portier | Dutch Spoken With English Subtitles

4 months ago

Jelle van Baardewijk in conversation with computer scientist Michel Portier about the upcoming EU legislation on encryption. "It's two minutes to twelve."
Sources and links for this broadcast:
- The proposed EU legislation:
Timeline Interview
0:00 Introductie / Introduction
3:21 Privacy en end-to-end-encryptie/encription
15:28 AI, vakantiefoto's, sexting en het gevaar van valse positieven / AI, holiday photos, sexting and the danger of false positives
35:35 Iedereen heeft iets te verbergen / Everyone has something to hide
38:12 Stupiditeit of kwade opzet? / Stupidity or malicious intent?
43:33 Ik kon op mijn elfde al programmeren / I could already program when I was eleven
56:46 Open standaarden, metadata en reclame / Open standards, metadata and advertising
1:02:06 Recapitulatie en afronding / Recap and Conclusion

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