Fall Feasts 2024 video 10

4 days ago

First off, I apologize for all the commercials. If I cannot find out how to turn them off, I will stop using this forum. The two at the beginning are bearable, but one every 3 minutes or so is outrageous.
Today we pray for the people in the flood and hurricane areas.
We finish the scriptures pointing to the tribe of Joseph which is very often left out of the dialog when talking Feast Days. Most people focus on Judah and the Jews alone.
We point to the woman at the well, and also how Yeshua related this even to the harvest and gathering. Gathering, is a word used to represent the Day of Trumpets when our King comes to get us.
This celebratory day, as it relates this side of the cross, will be on or about October 5 this year.
(Correction, in trying to make something plain to you, I most probably confused you. I do not call the Torah the Law. The Torah is a loving set of instructions as I have said many times and is not the Law. Protestants and Jews interchange the word Torah for Law. There are many other things that the Torah represents. The Torah includes the 10 commandments and is part of the covenant. These were place "inside" 'The Ark of the Covenant,' and were not the Law. The Law was placed outside the Ark of the Covenant, in a pocket or sleeve and you can find this in the latter book of Deuteronomy, where the Levite Priests put the Law in a different place than the 10 Commandments, also known as The Covenant.) I have an entire series on this, actually two, that I did last year regarding Covenants both old and new.

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