Ancient Egyptian Magic: The Tale of the Waxen Crocodile | Wonders of the Ancient World

3 days ago

Wonder Tales of the Ancient World you see ancient Egyptian through a series of magical tales which survived from antiquity. begins with an explanation of the nature of these stories, emphasizing their significance in providing insight into Egyptian culture, magic, and beliefs. the misconceptions surrounding ancient Egyptians, who are often perceived as gloomy due to our limited knowledge of them, primarily derived from their tombs rather than their daily lives. while Egyptians took death seriously, they were also fond of music, feasting, and storytelling, as evidenced by tomb paintings depicting joyful celebrations. draws attention to the Egyptians' ideas about the afterlife, contrasting their cheerful beliefs with those of neighboring cultures, which depicted the afterlife as grim and foreboding. the first of the tales, begins with a story from the Westcar Papyrus, attributed to King Khufu's sons, chronicling the narratives of wizards and magic. The initial tale, "The Story of the Waxen Crocodile," recounts a tale wherein Uba-aner, a learned scribe, uses magic to seek revenge on a page who has wronged him by having an affair with his wife. This leads to a series of events that culminate in the page being dragged underwater by a magical crocodile, only for Uba-aner to reveal the truth behind the plot to King Nebka, who ultimately punishes the unfaithful wife.

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