Instagram Launches teens accounts

3 days ago

As part of this week's episode of "this week in social media" , we report that Adam the CEO of Instagram, is planning to launching "Teen accounts" for Instagram.

Instagram looks to boost privacy and parental control for teen accounts, as they look to overhaul the app for them.

“promising more built-in protections for young people and added controls for parents.”

Some of the setting that we will be turned on by default are

Their content is unviewable to people who don’t follow them, as well making them actively approve all new followers.

Adam also shared that parents will be able to set a max number of times that a teen can use the app. A lot of a level of topic control as well!

Also reported by the BBC this week

“Social media companies are under pressure worldwide to make their platforms safer, with concerns that not enough is being done to shield young people from harmful content.”

Meta said that with the BBC report

“It says they will "better support parents, and give them peace of mind that their teens are safe with the right protections in place."

There is some report that meta claim, they have built the tool but parents are not using them? And also some questions about how they are going to get around, “Children lying about their age”

With some talk about "The smartphone has opened up to a world of disinformation, inappropriate content fuelling a change in behaviour among children “

I come back to my last point when it comes to dis and misinformation, without a clear understanding what that means, how can we “fix it” or “go after it” , I will leave it with the question I have a question before, who should be responsibility To make sure to our children are safe online :

A - The platform
B - The parents
C - The Government

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