Reza G.⚡'s #JavaFX Image-Control App Made ~11-13 years Back!

2 months ago

*** #Note ***
The Application(s) you See were #Developed || #Coded into Existence using the #Java_Runtime x #pureJavaSyntax (= My Own Way of Coding Java!) by Reza G. & & as a little Kid ---> self-Educating myself.
*** #Note ***
Inside this Video I do a lot of Things at once as I am Showing you Guys the Powers of My Creation as I was Only Teaching Myself How to Make The Best Apps that Would Never Even Require an Update! I don't Even Use .xml or Layout Files when I Code! I .JAVA The Whole || the Entire Thing! That's Why All My Applications from the Enterprise-Level ones you have yet to see to the Projects and the so-called s-AI's or bots and AI's & etc. ---> All that which ---> I have developed for own Sake and for my Own #Use, All Out-Speed the Operating Systems you Run them On! I Challenge You All to make Something Faster and Better than this in only a couple hours if you can! Then come and ask me to Prove Things Again! BTW ---> Take a Close Look at the Task Manager while I literally Press & Hold MY Fingers an the Left Arrow or The Right One on The Keyboard While Using other Keys at once to Go to the Next or to the Previous Art-Works! as I'm doing all of That at the same Time ---> these Frames somehow find a way to (almost Perfectly!) Match What is Being Talked About inside the Audio Video Player which is being Controlled manually! More than 1024 MegaBytes of Data are literally loaded in the DDR4 RAM & also are being #processed so fast that the system itself would literally show you nothing or Crash if You were to use the default or Any Photo Viewer to do such a thing and look at the numbers on my Desktop Please! Alright! ---> the Long Title Goes as Follows ---> My s-AI #JavaFX Image-Control App! I Coded this App around 11 years back & to This Day I can Use it to make such Things!
➖ 2024-09-30 ➖☓➖ ⌚ = 15➖(hh)➖45(mm)➖05(ss).mp4
Duration = 01:01:01 👁‍🗨
➖ 2024-09-30 ➖☓➖ ⌚ = 16➖(hh)➖46(mm)➖06(ss).mp4
the Recording Started ---> 15:45:05 +3:30 GMT Iran, Mashhad 2024-09-30 ... ... ...
the Recording Finished ---> 16:46:06 +3:30 GMT Iran, Mashhad 2024-09-30 ✅

Categories ☓ HashTags = #javaFXappDevelpment #theindigoflame #usingOnesOwnApps_x_AIs #imJustbuildingMyOwnResume #myJavaCertificate #myPOW_or_Proof_of_RealNess #iNeverTalkedHighlyofMySkills #youDontKnowMeAtAll #LoveYouRumbleGuys #imInsideIRANforLordsSake #persianJavaCoderNobodyKnowsToEvenExist !

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