Angela Merkel's Muslim Broom Chases People in Germany With a Machete and Sets Houses on Fire

4 months ago

😢😢😢 ዋይ! ዋይ! ዋይ! 😠😠😠
31 injured, 2 children in critical condition

🔥 It was in 2015 that German Chancellor Angela Merkel, opening wide her country to more than one million Muslim immigrants that year, proudly declared that “Wir schaffen das” (“We Can Do This”). She meant that we, the Germans, can welcome these people, help them to seamlessly integrate into our societies, to become loyal and productive members of German society. Alas, it was not to be.

Muslims do not want to “integrate” into the wider German society. They do not respect the laws passed by Infidels, who according to the Qur’an are the “most vile of created beings.” Why should Muslims want to become part of a society whose laws and customs have been created by such people?

Now, another of Merkels Muslim Broom with Palestinian flag wounds 31 people in arson and ramming attacks

“Machete-armed man with Palestinian flag wounds 31 in Germany with arson, ramming attacks,” by Danielle Greyman-Kennard, Jerusalem Post, September 29, 2024:

A 41-year-old Syrian national wounded 31 people, including two children who were left in critical condition, in arson attacks on Saturday in the German city of Essen, according to police and media reports from Sunday morning.

At around 5:10 p.m. on Saturday, the man set fire to a residential building on Altenessener Strasse, at the corner of Pielsticker Strasse, according to Bild. He later drove a few streets over, where he set fire to a second residence.
Videos screenshotted by multiple German media outlets appeared to show the man wearing a Palestinian flag and Keffiyeh-patterned headband….

Horrific moment terrified residents lower children from the roof of buildings in Essen after machete-wielding attacker set fire to homes and rammed van into shops injuring 30 'after his wife left him'

A Syrian suspect has been arrested following chaos in Essen, Germany

This is the horrific moment terrified residents lowered young children from the roof of buildings in Germany after an attacker with a machete set fire to homes.

A Syrian suspect has been arrested following chaos in Essen, with fires tearing through two blocks of flats leaving 30 people hurt - including eight children.

Neighbours tried to reach up with ladders to help people escape, but they weren't long enough to access the upper floors so brave residents worked together to lower children from the roof.

Horrifying photos shows a small child - seemingly a little girl - being held by one arm while reaching down to a man on a ladder in a desperate bid to escape the smoke and flames.

Another man stands on a window ledge to help support the child while terrified people remain trapped at the top of the building.

Two children who were hurt are in a life-threatening condition after inhaling smoke, according to local media.

They were reportedly thrown from windows to escape the flames, landing on cushions placed on the street.

💭 In 2015, Dr. Angela Merkel imported millions of Muslim Mops, Brooms & Brushes to purge Europe of Jews and Christians.

It is an open secret that Merkel and the unelected European Union bureaucrats conspired with the Turkish demon Erdogan to prevent the Orthodox Christians migrating from Iraq, Syria and Egypt. They filtered them out or blocked them in Turkey. Yes! The ongoing diabolical conspiracy of Esau and Ishmael!

🛑 American Sodomities testing Trump:
"We will make America proud again. We will make America safe again. And we will make America great again.”

While cozying up to the evil Saudis and Citizens of Sodom.

The Luciferians need Muslims (useful idiots) to depopulate 'unwanted' groups of people, like Christians. They are kind of their brooms & sticks. Islam has killed over a billion non-muslims since it’s creation 622 AD.

Islam Has Massacred Over a Billion Non-Muslims Since
Those are the documented ones. Probably far more than weren't documented
“Islam has killed more than 5 times the number of people killed by communism.
In the total numbers we have updated over 500 million Christians killed by Muslims in 500 years in Ethiopia, Middle East, the Balkan states, Hungary, Ukraine, Russia.

Then we have India. The official estimate number of Muslim slaughters of Hindus is 80 million. However, Muslim historian Firistha (b. 1570) wrote (in either Tarikh-i Firishta or the Gulshan-i Ibrahim) that Muslims slaughtered over 400 million Hindus up to the peak of Islamic rule of India, bringing the Hindu population down from 600 mil to 200 million at the time.

With these new additions the Muslim genocide of non-Muslims since the birth of Mohammed would be over 669 million murders.”

Islam has killed more than 5 times the number of people killed by communism.
In the total numbers we have updated over 80 million Christians killed by Muslims in 500 years in the Balkan states, Hungary, Ukraine, Russia.
Then we have India. The official estimate number of Muslim slaughters of Hindus is 80 million. However, Muslim historian Firistha (b. 1570) wrote (in either Tarikh-i Firishta or the Gulshan-i Ibrahim) that Muslims slaughtered over 400 million Hindus up to the peak of Islamic rule of India, bringing the Hindu population down from 600 mil to 200 million at the time.

With these new additions the Muslim genocide of non-Muslims since the birth of Mohammed would be over 669 million murders.

Islam: The Religion of Genocide

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