Bigfoot (Tartarian Human Races) / Cryptids Unveiled [MIND UNVEILED]

5 months ago

Reading about Sasquatch: #affiliatelink
MU description from YT: Bigfoot as it is most commonly presented is some missing ape that science has yet to discover, but what if this term has been consciously used to hide a secret esoteric mystery. What if "Bigfoot" is actually us... but even more, are these a Tartarian Race from a past age? I know that may sound crazy but if you follow along, we will show the history of the legend of the "Wild Man". Once you know the right terms to search for you find that this is a much deeper phenomenon than just some missing ape. This has to do with human origins, and as we connect it with the stories from those who have experienced them, the spiritual and historical connections begin to all make are more clear picture. Are we cycling in a process in which the humans from the old age are hunted and pushed to the outskirts of reality, as we continue the process of getting smaller and weaker as humans, losing our most primordial powers?
This is a big one and I hope you guys enjoy! Make sure you watch the introduction first!
Cryptids Unveiled: Intro
• Cryptids Unveiled: Introduction
Other Bigfoot names:
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