20240719 071806 Khaleesi Molested

5 months ago

This was my first intensive molest of Khaleesi. I was on my way out for a morning walk before it started to get hot (too late!) when I immediately ran into Khalessi. She ducked back inside her place for about ten seconds and then came out for some shagging. And she IS shaggy. I was warned that I would be covered with her hair when I petted her, so I positioned myself in the cross-wind and was spared turning into a hairball myself.

Her fur is as extremely soft as it appears, as is the rest of her, if you know what I mean. If I can get Tux's nails trimmed (he insists that it's not gonna happen), I'd love to introduce them to each other, even though that will make #Tux less apprehensive about trying to sneak out the front door every time I enter or leave, if he thinks that his super-soft fren might be outside also.

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