20240714 092716 Tux Harnessed for the First Time

5 months ago

I've tried one or two times before to get #Tux into the harness because I think that he'd like the opportunity to step outside, other than just on the balcony, but he's DEFINITELY not cooperating. This time I managed to get it onto him, but could not get him to stay still long enough to tighten it up to make it secure.

There's apparently two phases of his being harnessed -- the first is disbelief and confusion, and the second is total denial and aversion. I felt bad as we entered phase two and aborted this mission. I'm hoping that I'll get another chance in a few days -- or maybe he'll put up even more of a fight!

The first time that I tried to harness him a few weeks ago he got angry, dragged it around, and tried to chew it up, so I needed to hide it in a drawer so that it could live to harness another day.

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