20240708 080852 Khaleesi Locked Out (?)

3 months ago

First video of Khaleesi, the neighbor's cat, right across the hallway. They let her out to wander around by herself close by, but I'd never seen her out with the door closed, which apparently the wind blew shut behind her, as I later learned. After 5-10 minutes of sitting outside near her, she let me molest her and rolled around and let me rub her tummy. I brought #Tux out and held him (tightly!) to see her, and both were pretty calm about it.

She was meowing quite a bit and clearly wanted to go back inside. Not knowing how long she'd been "trapped" outside, I gave her a tiny bit of food and a dish of water, neither of which she was interested in at the time. When one of the neighbors got back from his smoke-walk, we chatted and then his wife came out and we chatted some more, and I brought #Tux out to see everyone together but he was nervous and fought to get back inside. So, #Tux got to meet his new neighbor-fren and I got to pet Khalessi for the first time. She's very soft -- in every sense of the word -- that is, she's definitely overweight while also just being a longer/larger cat in general, probably at least part Maine Coon.

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