20240620 135356 Tux's First Cat Tree Plop

5 months ago

I had to put #Tux on the cat tree because it wasn't obvious to him that it was his job to get on it himself, although I'm sure that in due time that he's have figured that much out.

However, even after a few days, #Tux doesn't know how the top level works, or how the stair on the right side works. He's never climbed up to the top level, and when I put him up there, he jumps down onto the level he's seen on here, and then immediately down onto the floor. It's like that step doesn't even exists. However, the one on the left is functional enough for him to get to the window sill. Unless I make and mount a larger step in its place, it's not clear to me that the top level will ever get used. And I *intentionally* got the (about the?) tallest one that they had, and all of that extra height is going unappreciated.

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