The response by Abp C. M. Viganò to Bergoglio’s speech in Singapore and to the open apostasy of the one who presents himself as the head of the Church

2 months ago

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Bergoglio has concluded his 45th “apostolic” journey, during which he visited Indonesia, Papua New Guinea, Timor-Leste, and Singapore.
At an interfaith meeting with young people in Singapore on 13 September, Bergoglio said: “Every religion is a way to arrive at God. Sort of a comparison and an example would be that they are sort of like different languages to arrive at God. But God is God for all. And if God is God for all, then we are all sons and daughters of God. ‘But my God is more important than your God!’ Is that true? There is only one God and each of us is a language, a way, so to speak, to arrive at God. Some are Sikh, some are Muslim, some are Hindu, some are Christian – they are different paths.”
Response by Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò:
“‘I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.’ (Jn 14:6)
Bergoglio, with his ungodly statements addressed to young people in Singapore that ‘all religions are a path to God,’ offends the Majesty of God, betrays divine Revelation, tramples on the principal Mysteries of our Faith and nullifies the redeeming Sacrifice of the Son of God, Our Lord Jesus Christ.
His lying words are particularly insidious because they are addressed to the new generations, whom Bergoglio deceives into believing that it is possible to be saved without recognizing that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, the Only Saviour, and that His Church is the only ark of salvation. ‘I am the door’ (Jn 10:9), said Our Lord of Himself. To deny this truth is to apostatize from the Faith and to trample on the Cross. To do so from the highest throne is a scandal of unprecedented gravity, surpassed only by the cowardly or complicit silence of the majority of the Episcopate.
The ‘passio Ecclesiæ’ is accomplished in the betrayal of a usurped authority, of a new Sanhedrin equally apostate.”

What Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò finds most scandalizing is the fact that bishops, successors of the apostles, tolerate Bergoglio’s open apostasy:
“How can a Successor of the Apostles tolerate the open apostasy from the Faith of the one who presents himself as the head of the Church?
What scandalizes and fills us with horror is not as much the series of monomaniacal provocations by Bergoglio, who has now proven his rebellious and apostatic nature, but rather the cowardly complicity of the entire Episcopate. I do not understand how a Successor of the Apostles can tolerate the open apostasy from the Faith of the one who presents himself as the head of the Church, as if it were the ravings of a deranged person to whom one should not pay too much attention. I consider with horror what Our Lord will impute to them when they will present themselves before Him and have to account for their silence in the face of the systematic destruction of the Church. These are the horrible sins for which the Hierarchy must repent and ask forgiveness.”

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