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Man as Sense Organ of the Earth

BEFORE ANY SIGNIFICANT advance can be made in the purification and further evolution of the white race in America, the thorough confusion about religion in the minds of most intelligent Majority members must be cleared up. For, in the thinking of all too many, “morality,” “what is right,” “compassion” and “justice” are bound up with, and ultimately based on, a nebulously misunderstood “higher authority.” The implication is that this authority is higher than all earthly existence, which is conversely lower than this source of all principles. This is true even if the individual’s mind is agnostic or atheistic, as is manifest in murky internal mumblings about “tradition,” “commonly accepted values” and the like.

Virtually everyone, Communists with their “history-authorization” included, is very vague as to the actual nature of this “higher authority,” or where or how it ever came to be “higher.” Yet almost everyone, even the most untutored terrorist, is convinced, deep down, that such authority exists. Indeed, shared convictions about authority, no matter how fantastic, make social life possible. Disputes about these matters are cause for war. Infidels are always outcasts.

It thus behooves the thinking Majority member to inquire into the universal and exclusively human phenomenon known as religion. For it is a truism that religion deals with issues that all human cultures have held to be of a “higher” provenance than man’s more material concerns.

Very briefly, religion may be defined as: “the holistically integrative relationship of the total, psychophysical human being to the multidimensional entirety of all existence.” (Please note that this is a definition of religion as a universal human phenomenon, not a definition of one particular religion, e.g., Christianity.)

This brief definition is rather vague in itself and requires further elaboration.

Most of the human organism is not normally under the direct control of consciousness, as “consciousness” and its mechanisms of concentration, perception-narrowing and even of truth-suppression are generally understood in the West. But there is no question that the bodily organism as a whole and especially the central nervous system (CNS) is a “knowing” process. It is also clear that the body provides the physical and mental basis for modern human consciousness. Although it is improbable that the physical organism provides a sufficient explanation for the phenomenon of life, it is obvious even to the most obtuse that it provides a necessary one. When the CNS deteriorates, with old age or with brain damage, the consciousness it supports also deteriorates. A helpful, if inadequate, analogy might be the TV set, which is indispensably necessary to the viewing of TV programs permeating all space on electromagnetic waves. To the extent that the set is impaired, so is the reception.

A hominid race with a marginally human neocortex has an only marginally human consciousness. This is so manifest that to deny it is to reveal oneself to be in the grip of some pathological compulsion such as American Oedipalism (otherwise known as “liberalism”).

The phenomenon we know as “consciousness” is a behavioral adaptation of the most recently evolved, peripheral foliage of the brain. It is, in short, a function of the human cortex. Like leaves on a tree, the cortex is supported by the organic structures which have preceded it in growth, and which, in the mature adult, form its infrastructure both ontogenetically and phylogenetically — that is, in both the development of the individual and the development of the species. This is the biological basis of the fact that “the child is father to the man.”

But the inner spheres of the brain, being older and more directly reflective, in their structure and function, of the long evolutionary history of our species, are knowledge-transmitting and knowledge-processing systems every bit as active and efficient as similar systems in the outer brain.

Since the deep brain is the primordial part of our being, it is also the source of the feelings about the “higher authority” which gives us our command to live in the first place. The deep brain is in fact god (small “g”). Many people still receive voices and visions originating in these more archaic cerebral parts (in our own sleep, for example) and regard such experiences as coming from god(s) or devil(s) or other “supernatural” entities. It follows that these emanations from the deep brain are endowed with the quintessence of transcendence.

In mentioning “transcendence” we are not talking here about some Kantian “moral imperative” which may or may not exist in the quaint wish-dreams of some abstract philosophers or the adolescent musings of some American…

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