Matt Taibbi Delivers The Quintessential American Speech At 'Rescue The Republic' Event In D.C.

13 hours ago

Posted • September 29, 2024: If anyone had told me a couple of years ago that I'd be singing the praises of Matt Taibbi, I'd have told them they were high. I wasn't particularly familiar with Taibbi — just knew he'd been a writer for Rolling Stone and had written some things I found obnoxious. I also knew our politics were miles apart. And then the Twitter Files happened. When Taibbi first broke the Twitter Files story in December of 2022, I started paying closer attention to him. Because differ though our views might, I recognized he was someone who, like me, firmly believes in the freedom of speech, and he seemed willing to stick his neck out in defense of it at a time when many seemed cowed. I began listening to his "America This Week" podcast, and it soon became part of my regular Saturday morning routine. Over time, I've found myself agreeing with Taibbi and his co-host Walter Kirn more often than not.

We may not share the exact same politics, but we share a whole lot of the same values. I've also come to appreciate Taibbi's earnest belief in America's foundational principles and his almost endearing disbelief at the current state of his chosen profession. On Sunday, Taibbi was one of numerous featured speakers at a "Rescue the Republic" event held in Washington, D.C. Other speakers included Bret Weinstein, Jordan Peterson, Tulsi Gabbard, Robert Malone, Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI), Robert F. Kennedy Jr., Russell Brand, Lara Logan, the aforementioned Walter Kirn, and many others. I expected I'd enjoy Taibbi's speech. I didn't expect to love it. But I did. I absolutely, unabashedly did. I'm only going to provide a brief excerpt of it here, but I highly encourage you to watch it in its entirety. (The video below is cued up to the beginning of Taibbi's speech.

In this speech, Taibbi hit all the right notes, with a nod to our history, the history of free speech, the Gospel of John and the power of words — and the Word. He captured the spirit of what it means to be quintessentially Americen — to be free. (…)

• More at: RedState - Matt Taibbi Delivers the Quintessential American Speech at 'Rescue the Republic' Event in D.C.

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