John Kerry States 1st Amendment is a Major Block to Hammering Out Disinformation

4 months ago

by Glen Wallace

The Democratic Party Elite have shown over and over an utter contempt for the Constitutional Rights guaranteed in the First Amendment. But now, a member of that Davos Crowd of latte sipping, limousine liberal elites actually said that quiet part out loud and badmouths the First Amendment of the US Constitution. I start the video with that badmouthing statement by John Kerry, where, starting at about the 1 minute mark, Kerry states:

"if people only go to one source, and the source they go to is sick, and has an agenda, and they're putting out disinformation, our first amendment stands as a major block to hammer it out of existence"

Edit to add: Kerry in the context of his statement is clearly not using the term 'block' in the sense of using the First Amendment as the hammer; he's using 'block' in the sense of the First Amendment as blocking, as in being a barrier to using the hammer of government censorship to hammer out free speech.

John Kerry and his ilk do not think we plebs can think for ourselves and engage in independent thought. John Kerry thinks Big Brother knows best.

Our First Amendment is in jeopardy folks. If Kamala Harris is elected, I think there is a real danger that she will work to suspend the First Amendment of the US Constitution, either de jure, by law, or de facto, by ignoring the First Amendment.

The Supreme Court has shown itself to be rather unreliable in their duty to uphold the Constitution and make sure it is adhered to. After all, they only halfway did their duty when it came to the vaccine mandate. The Supreme Court still allowed the Biden Administration to coerce members of the military and healthcare workers into getting injected by an experimental drug stirred up by Corporate Big Pharma. So, we've already seen how the Supreme Court can't be relied upon when a President tries to skirt the Constitution.

And there is a pattern emerging among the elites of the Democratic Party of showing contempt for the First Amendment and the rights of plebs to speak freely and engage in independent thought. If this pattern continues, Kamala Harris will keep testing the waters of tyranny until she and her cronies get their way and we're all living under an autocratic Orwellian dictatorship.

While I'm still not a fan of Trump, he did not demonstrate, during his term in office, any kind of contempt for the ability of ordinary folk to speak and think for themselves. And Trump still seems to support the First Amendment and freedom of speech. As a result, I'm voting for Trump in 2024 and I'm encouraging everyone else to vote for him as well.

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