(1961) Benjamin H Freedman speech at the Willard Hotel in Washington (Unedited Full Version)

5 months ago

Benjamin Harrison Freedman (October 4, 1890 – May 1984) was an American businessman, Holocaust denier, and vocal anti-Zionist. Born in a Jewish family, he converted from Judaism to Roman Catholicism.
- Zionists own & control the USA (1961). Benjamin says everyone has been ASLEEP including himself about this fact.
-WW1 (1914-1918) By summer of 1916 Germany was winning this war so the Zionists went to the British War Cabinet in London telling them they can still win this war against the Germans if they bring in the USA as an ally. The ZIONISTS in London told them they GUARANTEED to bring the USA into WW1 as an ally IF England promised to give PALESTINE to them (The Zionists) after you win WW1 (Britain did NOT own Palestine at this time so how can they promise to give it to the Zionists but they DID!).
Great Britain made this promise to the Zionists in London in October 1916. At the time, USA was PRO-GERMANY during WW1 because all the Bankers & mass communications/Media were owned & run by Zionist Jews who didn't like the Russian Tsar. Kuhn Loeb & co bankers in Germany decided which countries they would lend money to.

- The moment that Great Britain agreed to giving the Zionists Palestine after the war and EVERYTHING CHANGED just like a traffic light changing colors from RED to GREEN to where all the Zionist Media in the USA went from being PRO-GERMANY to ANTI-GERMAN propaganda coverage to where President Woodrow Wilson declared war on Germany in April 1917. London Zionists cabled message over to their USA Zionists to go to work on President Wilson to get him into WW1 with Great Britain. After this the Zionists wanted a written guarantee that London would live up to its end of the bargain of giving Palestine to them so the BALFOUR AGREEMENT was signed (November 2nd 1917). Benjamin says this Balfour agreement is as phony as a $3 bill).

Once the USA entered WW1, the war was over by the end of 1918 and the Germans went to Paris for the Paris Peace Conference in 1919 where there were 117 Jews headed by Bernard Baruch (Jewish American financier & statesman). Benjamin Freedman says he was THERE so he otta know. These Jews were parceling up Germany & Europe and once Germany learned about the BALFOUR AGREEMENT they knew the GAME and why the USA had got sucked into WW1 because the Zionists wanted Palestine. Even though the Jewish banking families had done well under Germany they still sold them out to the Zionist cause. Germans were outraged at how they were betrayed by Jewish Germans in WW1 that it all came out during the Peace Conference of 1919 (TREATY OF VERSAILLES).

When the Jewish Communist revolution in 1905 failed in Russia against the Tsars the Jews had to scramble out of Russia and went to Germany because Germany gave them refuge & treated them nicely and they still SOLD Germany out for the Zionists desire for Palestine. Between 1919-1923 the big Zionist names wrote in their German newspapers that the reason Jews are hated/resented was because of selling out Germany in WW1. It was later where the German people blamed the Jews for their crushing defeat in WW1. Germany was guilty of nothing in WW1 and only for being SUCCESSFUL and becoming one of the great powers. There is not one Historian in the world that can find a valid reason why England, France, & Russia conspired to destroy Germany. Benjamin says Jews in Europe were 98% communist. The German Jews were never harmed by the German people but they knew they were resented for their treachery of WW1 and the Germans discriminated against the Jews and shunned them.

The Jews decided what they were going to do something about it so called an international meeting in Amsterdam in July 1933 and decided to tell the German Government to FIRE Adolph Hitler (chancellor of Germany) and to put every Jew back into their former position even if they were communists as you can't treat us JEWS this way.

Benjamin says in 1917 the German communist Jews took over the German government for 3 days. The German Kaiser fled to Holland as he feared the same fate of the Russian Tsar. The Jews in Germany were constantly trying to bring in Communism yet they only represented HALF of 1% of the German population YET they owned most of the MEDIA and the ECONOMY.

When Germany did not give in to the Jewish demands, German Jew Samuel Untermeyer went to the USA and used ABC Radio and said...
"The JEWS of the world now declare a HOLY WAR against Germany. We are now engaged in a sacred conflict against the Germans. We are going to STARVE THEM into surrender. We are going to use a WORLDWIDE BOYCOTT against them that will DESTROY THEM because they are dependent upon their EXPORT business".

Germany IMPORTED 2/3rds of their FOOD SUPPLY which could only be purchased with the proceeds$ of the Goods they exported. So if Germany could not EXPORT then 2/3rds of the German population would STARVE to death.

Printed on a whole page in the NY TIMES August 7th 1933. This Jewish boycott was so successful that you could not find one product in the world that said "Made in Germany" on it. This is why the German people declared a BOYCOTT on all Jewish stores in Germany as they knew they planned to starve Germany into the hands of the Jews of the World who would determine WHO their leaders would be. The boycotts in Germany continued until 1938 when a young Jew from Poland walked into the German Embassy in Paris and SHOT one of the German officials and that is when the Germans began to get ROUGH with the German Jews in Germany (Breaking Windows/Street fights).

Benjamin says he doesn't like to use the word "ANTI-SEMITISM" because it is MEANINGLESS.

So the Jews were responsible for Germany's defeat in WW1, the International BOYCOTT against Germany and now for Germany and the International Jews locking horns going into WW2 to see which one was going to survive. Europe was going to be CHRISTIAN or COMMUNIST and there was no in between. Germany saw Communist Soviet Union (Bolshevik Jews) becoming stronger so they had to become stronger to prevent communism coming to Germany.

For the Zionists. Act 1 was WW1, Act 2 was WW2, and the Zionists plan Act 3 which is WW3 where they will use the United States AGAIN to help them retain Palestine as their FOOT HOLD for their WORLD GOVERNMENT.

Benjamin Freedman says he was at those meetings with President Woodrow Wilson during his campaign starting in 1912 where they put into President Wilsons brain the "Graduated Income Tax" (IRS) & what has become the US FEDERAL RESERVE and to INDOCTRINATE President Wilson with the ZIONIST MOVEMENT. President Wilson was incompetent and had no idea of what was really going on like a new born baby. The Zionists have FOOLED the world so much to where people don't know if they are coming or going.

Benjamin Freedman says he doesn't call them "JEWS" because he KNOWS what they are. 92% of the Eastern European Jews are KHAZAR. They were a WARLIKE TRIBE who were driven out of Asia into Eastern Europe. They were MOLOCH worshippers. It was their religion. The Khazar King became so disgusted at their DEGENEROUSY of his Kingdom he took one of the monotheistic religions and decided on Judaism (really "TALMUDISM").
0-42:40 mark 1st Break

This Khazar King rounded up Rabbis & Talmud Teachings and opened up Synagogues and they then became "JEWS". Not one of them ever had an ancestor that ever put a TOE in the Holy land. They then wanted to REPATRIATE to Gods promised land but they are PAGAN KHAZARS who converted and it is ridiculous to call them "People of the Holy land". They control all the world's Media and the Politicians and the ministers on their soapboxes and naturally you would believe that BLACK IS WHITE if you hear it often enough. Khazarians being JEWS is one of the Great LIES. Every Theologian knows this about modern day Jews but get shut up with Bribes$$$.

Benjamin believes that the new President John F Kennedy (First year in office 1961) knows what is going on but just playing with the enemy (Zionists) and knows a lot more than people think. He knows JFK's father is well informed.

When on the day of Atonement you walk into a synagogue, the very first PRAYER you recite 3 times where you Enter into an Agreement with God Almighty so that any OATH, VOW, or PLEDGE that you may make in the next 12 years shall be NULL & VOID and the TALMUD teaches you to remember that. So you can DEPEND upon the Khazarian Zionist Jews as much as the Germans did in 1916 during WW1. And we (USA) will suffer the same fate as Germany and for the same reason as they don't respect any OATH, VOW, or PLEDGE.

After WW2 in 1945, Benjamin tried to post this information that he was telling them in 1961 in the Newspapers in 1945 but the Newspapers would NOT accept it.

A friend of his Mr Connelly McGinley since 1945 has been putting out there own newsletter called "COMMONSENSE" informing Americans about the Zionist Communist agenda takeover plan. He financed this and says the ANTI DEFAMATION LEAGUE (ADL) is worried because Benjamin can still get by without working and can still fund$ this newsletter exposing them. Benjamin says he started this investigation since 1933 and has spent $2.4 million already which he made by hard work.

1:03:30 Questions from Audience: In the time of Bible history there was a geographical place known as "Judea" which was a province of the Roman Empire. People who lived in Judea were known as Judeans (Latin) but in Latin & Greek there is no such letter as "J". The word "JEW" never existed. In England in 1345 John Wycliffe decided it was time to translate the bible into English but he had to look around for translations for "Judea" from Latin & Greek into English. Jesus was referred as JYU so "JYU" became "Jew". Between 1345-1700's that word went through so many translations. JIU & IU where the letter "i" in Latin is pronounced like the letter "J". Julius Caesar is iul in Latin and finally in the 18th century (1700's) the word became "JEW".

The recent word "Judaism" never existed and they just pulled it out of thin air. ARABS are the only SEMITES yet the Christians go around calling people who don't like "Jews" as ANTI-SEMITES. There isn't one Jew who is a SEMITE! They BRAINWASHED the public. The Eastern European Jews OUTNUMBER all the other Jews so they created the IMPRESSION that they are the Jewish RACE & the Jewish NATION & they are the Jewish People and the Christians just swallow it and believe them.

1961 and Benjamin talks about US Billions going to Israel to buy GUNS where they kick Palestinians out of their homes. The Cromwell revolution (Mid 1600's) was financed by the Rothschilds.
1:26:04 2nd Break

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