Alex Jones about evil globalists

14 hours ago

"And that's what the Bible tells us, is there's an outside force putting powerful people in positions to carry this out, to keep humanity from reaching its potential destiny and God gave us free will, and so there's the tester there, and so that is the mission and the existence of Satan, whether you believe that's a real thing, as I know it is, or an archetype, regardless, it's there. And if you read the Robber Barons 120 years ago and the Social Darwinism that came out of it, they wrote books and said, when we do evil bad things and kill people en masse, we are the apex predator, we're doing them a favor to make them stronger.
You study the globalists. They're not just trying to kill the weak and the infirm and the low IQ, which you're not supposed to do as a human, made the image of God, you're supposed to build up the weak. Christ said, suffer the little children, what you do to the least of me, you've done to me. Better for you to have a millstone trying to run around and help you throw in the ocean. But the globalists put fluoride in the water for everybody. They hate the smartest and the best and the freest because it competes with them, and so they're trying to stop their competition. Those people that love God free will because we're much stronger and more powerful than them, but we don't seek power. In every moment they're thinking, if we wake up and take back control of our destiny, it's over for them. So that's why they hit us with the 5G and the GMO and all the garbage and the glyphosates and their own documents is to stun us and poison us so that they can dominate us, not because they're strong, but because they're weak. That's totally right. That's totally."

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