Clif High - Improvisation! Not a good sign... They've gone off their production schedule...

5 months ago

Aether Pirates of the Matterium!

Improvisation! Not a good sign...
They've gone off their production schedule...

Hello, humans. Hello, humans. It's 919 in the morning on the 29th day of September 2024. I've just discovered that I can manipulate the depth of field by setting the software to focus on me, not putting lights on my face, and then sitting back closer to the window and then you guys get a view of the ocean,
which is really cool. It's one of those rare days where we don't have chemtrails on moss. and uh you know it's a semi-decent weather it's actually much better than it appears through my screen now you guys may be getting a good view of it i'll have
to wait until i can see this on another pc because of the monitor i've got here it's it's the one from out in the the office and it has dust and all different other kinds of issues anyway though a few things i wanted to talk about
some housekeeping first I've got a actually probably some of it is over at the post office now so alright so we don't have mail delivery out here. We don't even have what they used to call RFD, which is rural free delivery. We don't have that.
So you've got to go into a little post office that's sort of like regional to your area and the county is so sparsely settled and these little post offices are strung along the coast and they are not staffed. uh all day there's only a human there for a brief period in the day and so you have
a little box they stuff your mail into it what they can and then they stick in these little yellow um tickets uh and you uh to indicate that you've got packages or more bulky mail and so i've got one of those in my post office box here and i had been told by the
guys that that are procuring the data for me that they were sending off five more dat tapes and so i suspect that that some of them are there they're sending them in They had to send them in two packages for some reason this time. So I suspect it's the first three of the DAT tapes.
DAT is a D-A-T, digital audio tape. It's very wide, high-end tape. You can use it for recording professional music. The process used to be that they used it to record prior to making the actual physical tape. um vinyl discs right to pushing the the information into the vinyl disc and it's
used because it has such um reliable um storage data i mean you really know you're getting the you're getting the data stored when you use dat tape they're a pain in the ass to deal with especially going from areas they're very sensitive to um humidity and all of this kind of stuff.
The software, they're running these little machines that eliminate a lot of that. And then the software tries to do everything it can to put the data on the tape in a very precise way because this is a tape and so it's a physical media and it will expand or contract,
which alters the relationships of the little bits of data. So it's really, really tricky. But once you do it, it's got the capacity to store vast quantities and even more than that to dump it very rapidly. So the amount of data I'm talking about, if you were to put it on, like maybe to download it,
which would be absurd, off of the cloud or something, it might take me out here, you know, 7, 10, 12 days to get a single file of the stuff to download. The file structures are indeterminate. I won't go into it, but anyway, so I'm getting more data. And I'll go through it. My circumstances here are not good.
I'm here for the winter, and they're... It's difficult. I don't mind being a hermit and all of that, but I need to get some stuff fixed here and out in this area finding labor, especially I haven't yet even really tried the skilled labor, but just finding labor is difficult. So there's a lot of jobs going
Undone at the moment that I really need to get done as long as we've got weather like this because in a short period of time it'll be Storms that will go on for days in any event so I have data and get some stuff done On that I'm having to move
everything out of my office over here into the house so Jean-Claude in Canada had clued me into these things. I don't know if it's Canadian invention or where the idea comes from. He had clued me into these things called barn dominiums.
So these are like, you build yourself a four or five car garage and attach a little house to it, right? And you put your high end muscle cars in that garage and then you go tinker on them all day. And then you just live in the little house that's built in as part of this giant garage. Basically,
it's because you're an old guy, you're an empty nester, and you don't have many gifts where you have to deal with humans. You focus on whatever is the focus of your barn. Some people have horses, some people have cars, that sort of thing. I'm ending up with a dojo. or a schoolroom Minium here.
I've got my new whiteboard. I was going to use it today, but the weather is so good that I wanted to have the background here. Pretty soon it'll be gray all the time and it won't make any difference. And I'll just move the whiteboard over. Anyway,
so I've had to move in a lot of my training gear and stuff because I've got to get that storage area out there, that other building, fixed. It's actually going to be a relatively simple fix once we've got all the crap out of there and we can get at it.
But the guy who's helping me with this has COVID at the moment. But that brings up the subjects here. So let me get into it. I know Jay Weidner, all right? Jay Weidner is the, he's a producer of media. Let's just say he's a producer and put a period at the end of it, okay?
Because he's really good at it, and if I were going to produce something that didn't need a media focus on it, all I would really have to do to get a really superior job would be to wrap the idea of media around it and let him go produce it for me, right? So...
Because he's got all of the details, you know, he knows it all the way down. It's a production, not a happening. There's a big difference. So I had been seeing this kind of stuff that I'm going to discuss here in the data for some time, maybe maybe the last year.
I'd been slowly coming to this conclusion and it really cemented itself about six months ago and I've been watching it be validated ever since then. And so I was asking guys like Jay who have acumen what their impression was based on their skill set paradigm, right? So basically, sorry about that.
I've been moving stuff in and out of that building and there's dust in there. Anyway, so I'd asked Jay, about production for very large movies or TV series that would span, you know, years, potentially decade, right? Because some, I didn't realize it, but some of these media,
some of these like TV series that lasted six and seven years, long running, were actually begun two or three or four years before they even started filming. So the whole, you know, end points of the process was, might have been a decade.
I knew it was a long time, but I didn't conceptualize how this was all put together. I expected, I actually had something more of a wing it, you know, kind of an approach, right? But I won't get into that. So anyway, so I'm talking to Jay about this, and he's done this for decades.
He's done these kind of things, right? Produced all kinds of crap. And so I'm asking him about this, and he's come to the same conclusion that I have. If you apply these ideas to what's going on in our current situation. And so the thing I've been seeing in the data gave me the idea that,
without putting a cause to it, just an observation, that the powers that be, the deep state, had basically gone off script, okay? And it's really more they've gone off schedule. They've gone off production schedule. And so they're trying to improvise. And that's why things are so chaotic and so bad at the moment. So just absolutely crazy.
And I examine all of this going back into the 90s, right? And there's a bunch of conclusions I can draw from this. That the early days of my project, my large language model, sussing out data and stuff, were so fucking good simply because the world was not as chaotic as it is now
because so much of the information that was available to us was structured. uh it was being released by the um those are my crows they're heading out to some stuff i put out on the on the other side of the house um anyway but so so that may
have accounted for some of those spectacular hits in the first five or six years that i was doing the data i didn't really go public on a lot of it until maybe the third year or something like that. So there were a couple of years I ran it as a very expensive financial forecasting
model and it was very, very, very prescient and a lot of people made a lot of money. This was before cryptos though, right? So you had to go through the stock market and all of that in order to get involved with it. Anyway, but if you'd followed it at that point,
you would have started buying silver and that sort of thing. So I know a guy who was following it at that point, I think he was in, maybe it was 2005, but he put $5 million into silver at that point. And at the time, I think silver was what, in 2005? It was like, $3 to $5 something.
I can't remember now. Anyway, though, so the... The narrative that we're in has come off script. It's come off production value. Jay tells me that when they do these series and stuff that they will have all the scripts done, they'll have all their locations plotted, all of the pre-production values will be complete before any filming begins.
Which makes sense, right? You can't be filming one episode and having your production people working on the next two episodes ahead of you. It's going to be quite chaotic very soon as they run into production issues. You know, getting locations and all the other minutia. And it's always the little shit that screws you up, right?
Or holds you up in terms of your schedule. And so this is a situation relative to the deep state now. That they've gone off script. In my opinion, it may be a case of the bosses are not here anymore. For whatever reason, communication with evil central control has been cut,
whether it was a person here or whether it was somebody off in the distance somewhere. I don't know, but it does appear that things are rudderless without the boss in the office. Now, Jay's conclusion is that they're trying to improvise to stay ahead of the breakdown. And so we can conceptualize this over time
as the Deep State production team for their story here that we are all living, but their production team is going to go It's ahead of developing circumstances, but those developing circumstances are spiraling out of control like a horizontal tornado behind them. And the production team is running as fast as they can trying to get things done to
correct that situation, but also ahead of it so they don't get swept up in it. And they're actually, many of them are now starting to get swept up into the process of the breakdown of their own narrative in their own design system that they've existed within. Now, there's a couple of things about this that are instantly clear.
The quality of minds of these minions of the deep state is such that they are unable to think their way out of their circumstances. OK, so they are themselves as captive of the process that they set in motion as any normie. that will be ground up in this tornado of rolling debris that's chasing the Deep State minions.
And that's actually how they perceive it, I'm quite certain, is that they are being chased. And I'm certain it's going to get to the point here really quick that they think of it as being a personal attack on them because things are spiraling out of control so rapidly. Now, This impacts my data processing.
This process has been ongoing of them losing control has been ongoing for a number of years, maybe for like six or seven years. It's been ongoing and it's gotten to the point where we finally reached the the combinoric effect of some of the minions getting ate up by the process and destroyed by the process,
and thus they're not able to contribute to keeping the process at bay, so the process gets that much bigger as it starts trying to eat up more minions, in which case it would grow even bigger and so on and so on until it all collapses, right?
We're at that point right now where it's all starting to involve all the minions and getting ready for that collapse. So it's very much like a breaking wave, how the energy has to flow through all the water, pushing all the water and then it rushes and everything collapses and it flattens out on the flat beach. That process,
even though it's been going on for six or seven years, and I've been aware of it within the dataset for six or seven years, had a curious effect within the dataset of making the actual psychic leaks easier to see against the predictive programming structure.
Okay, so from a linguist point of view, the narrative is breaking down along with the their control structure, okay, that's all intermingled. In the process of that narrative breaking down, language is being freed up. Yes, at the same time they are using language distortion to try and push their commie agenda and push the woke virus,
all of this kind of thing. But nonetheless, they don't understand how they've been shafting themselves. Because they've done away with strict grammar, now none of us have to pay attention to strict grammar either. And thus, I can redefine words on the fly faster than their minds can work, and they'll never be able to catch up.
So once they've unleashed the the tiger, they're not able to put it back into the cage, nor are they able to control it. So I can redefine any word that they choose to define and thus negate their effort and in fact pile on it and make them a victim of their own mental processing that
they're trying to push out. They are the victims now of their own mental processing on a bunch of different levels. We are seeing this in at macro levels and micro levels. Jay Weidner is aware of it in terms of just watching the whole movie go off script or go off production schedule, right?
Where they're having to write scripts to be shot very soon instead of writing a script now that won't see a camera turned on for two years and everything being ready, right? So they're having to do this shit on the fly. And they're not very good at it. They don't think very well that way.
This is why things are so wonky. And this is why we're now at a point where we can say, in chaos there is opportunity, should you desire to exercise energies against their particular desires. agenda and schedule, now is certainly the time to do it because they're failing and they're flailing as well.
They don't know what's going on and they can't right themselves or get solid footing in order to get purchase and have a plan go forward, right? Now, we know that they've polluted the food in the Western world, in Asia. Especially in Asia. Much worse here than here. Japan, not so bad, right? Japan has very strict laws.
But China, Indonesia, and so on. I have a lot of contacts and I have a lot of expat friends that I've grown up with on various military bases. And some of them that are in Asia are reporting some interesting observations such that, you know, if you do a cook-down...
test on rice you'll find maybe even he said even this one guy was saying even in very high quality rice still supermarket grade not you know local market or local farmer or something but like commercial processed supermarket grade rice he says you might get as many as 15%,
but certainly about 5% even in these high-end bags of the individual rice is in fact some form of a plastic. And you determine this by overcooking the rice to the point that the starch totally collapses because the plastic will not.
And then you can literally just put it into a colander and wash out all of the destroyed rice. starch and you're left with the softened but not destroyed plastic individual rice. You can do this all kinds of food tests and now you have to. So I think that the number one food that's
counterfeit on the planet is honey. And so you test for if it's good honey or not. If it's fake honey, it has a high fructose corn syrup in it that has an oil base. And so you take a paper towel and you put a little drop of honey in it, on it,
and then just let it sit there for a while. And if it's real honey, it will spread out and have a little bit of the towel that it's stuck to. But if it's fake, the oil will leach out and spread out all throughout the towel around that little dot. And you'll know you're dealing with fake honey. So,
and this is really an interesting situation, especially with all the bees being under assault by the chemtrails and all these other processes that are no good. Now we're going to get rid of all of those. So my data since like early 2000, maybe even in that first run in 1997,
had suggested a United States or a North America that was going to become an organic food basket for the world and that we would have some of the most diverse in terms of species, but also some of the largest number of cultivated pollinators, bees, in all their forms to be found anywhere.
That we're just going to go absolutely batshit after we've been let loose from the horror that is the last 70 years of being in prison to the people that own the UFO issue. I'll get into that in a second. But anyway, the data way back when was saying that we were going to be this organic...
pharmacopoeia of pristine foods, herbs, curative honeys, all this different kind of stuff. Now I've found five curative honeys that are sold commercially and these are really good damn things. Curative honey, just as an aside, is an interesting object because the curative properties that are taken from the herbs, so say you're going to look at a curative honey,
one of them would be black seed oil honey. But I'm not talking about honey that has been mixed with black seed oil, not at all. That would be very negative in my opinion, but this is the honey that is taken as the when the bees pollinate the black seed plant, right?
So they've pre-processed the elements of the black seed oil. And it has an entirely different form in black seed oil honey and is a very powerful curative agent for specific kinds of things. And so there's like five of these that I've been able to locate. There are potentially thousands of course, we just haven't really examined them.
We've never really looked at the idea of honey as a pharmacy. Honey with specific kinds of herbs and so on, not mixed in but processed by the bees to go through that transformative process to make them more vital or vital. in the ancient understanding of the word, your vital force, more key generating, and using them that way.
So there are a bunch of good ones. Some I hate to say that at this point are curative because I don't know. I haven't actually tried them. I've just read about specific things in them and so on. Anyway, so this was the forecast from way the hell back when. that North America would be transformed this way.
And it would be a snapback, a response to the crap we've got now, to having been forced by tyrants and fake money and fake media to consume fake food and become very disabled and poor examples of humans. I expect the fast food industry to collapse.
I expect all different kinds of things to happen relative to humans and their food supply, especially here in North America, because of the pending collapse or the current ongoing collapse of the Federal Reserve note. You have to understand that the reason most people are ill today begins not necessarily with vaccines but with seed oils.
Seed oils came into our diets and were desperately sought in 1950. It was actually in 1952 I believe that it started and the government surreptitiously spent money to build up the seed oil industry all around the planet because the dollar had taken such a huge hit relative to its purchasing power as a result of World War II
and the excesses and expenditures that had been done then and the lack of productivity because they'd killed so many people. So, seed oils are what make people ill. and obese and they provide a very particular evil kind of stuff in combination with the chemtrails because the seed oils pack on what's known as adipose tissue, right?
Specific kinds of fats that are very difficult to get rid of. that use up your fat receptors but they don't do you any good because the purpose of a fat receptor in your body is to store energy for you for the winter. And when the winter comes you use that energy and you get thinner.
And so when spring comes you're nice and lean and you've gone through the winter and all your fat has shrunk up because it provided you the calories to get through the cold. Uh, these seed oils plug up those fat receptors so that they don't produce the response of sending out energy.
And so your body is desperate for energy all the time because it can't access the fats that it's got stored. You can get rid of the seed oil adipose tissue fats. It's not an easy process, but it is certain once you stop consuming seed oils and start, and then you can accelerate, that alone will do it.
But, and that'll also raise your testosterone if you're one of these. overweight or even obese males in their 20s and you have low testosterone, if you stop seed oils, you'll probably double your testosterone value through that in as little as four or five months. But you've got to stop it all.
So you can't just throw away the canola oil you've been using at home. You've got to stop eating that fast food shit that's 100% deep fried in that in some form of a seed oil that's going to sap the testosterone out of you, add the adipose tissue and make your brain dull.
So you have to have the willpower to say, no, you can't poison me anymore. I'll deal with it myself, right? And then there's all of these really cool changes that happen. Anyway, though, so this is going to be an ongoing process for millions and millions and millions of
normies as the dollar collapses finally and we can't even afford seed oils. We're going to have to radically redo everything, which will include a new form of currency with a very great level of purchasing power and a... at some point, an enterprise for the whole nation to take us into zero-point technology.
Once we have that even starting out in one or two places, then it starts spreading rapidly. Everything in this entire materium is based on energy. Once you've got basically free energy, you can do any fucking thing you want, right? We will get there. We'll do that.
And the data sets since the 1990s had been talking about sci-fi world, which that is the basis of sci-fi world is fundamentally that everybody's really rich in as much energy as you want to use for whatever purpose you wanted to use it. Right. Then we have to truly educate people and not school them,
but educate them so that they'll behave responsibly with this great level of power and understand where the potential lies for what they can do with it. So we have to radically redo our society. So we're in the process of this revolution.
And the poor commies and the wakonians won't know what's hit them because they will just be run over. Everybody telling them, we don't give a shit about whatever your culture or economic communism is about because we got free energy. You can go piss up a rope for all we care.
And this is in the process of occurring now. We're in that period of time of the discontinuity where the free energy zero point technology is going to be coming out and they can't stop it anymore. This is going to upend everything. They let it go too long.
It will be chaotic beyond anybody's ability to describe or suggest to you. It won't be controlled, there's no alien council anywhere deciding to do this shit this way and making it happen. It doesn't work that way. The signs are quite clear that the controllers, whoever they may have been, are no longer in control and their minions,
the second tier midwits, did the very best that their adrenochrome and cocaine addled brains could handle, which was not very good. And now they're failing in a very spectacular way, which will accelerate and get much more spectacular as we go forward. Our job is to contain the possibility of the chaos degenerating into danger for the species.
Otherwise, in my opinion, let the chaos happen. It's good for us. And we'll clean out a lot of garbage, shake our heads loose, shake everybody's head loose, get those that are still addicted to the old understanding of the Woconians and so forth to actually have to stop and look at the world and get a reality shock.
and then we can start moving things ahead. This is a long process, going to take us like, you know, 30, 40 years realistically, but the next 10 will be spectacular. And the next two will be really, really, really, you know, incredibly mega spectacular. But we've got to go through some hard shit to get to those.
Anyway, so the food's polluted. The powers that be have gone off script. And here's something you have to really take on board. They are caught in a particular kind of a bind. And I understand it. Okay, so I've had COVID. I caught COVID. The very first time that they released COVID,
they had Chinese people running around the hell and gone, spreading it all over the United States. when they had their, this was in 2020, very early, January 20. Actually late, we saw it in December of 2019. We saw these people going through all of the Christmas displays, all up and down the West Coast,
spraying stuff on them and spraying stuff on their hands and touching everything. They were the COVID spreaders that were brought here by the CCP and by the WEF. During that period of time, so it was like in March of 2020, I got COVID for maybe about 15 minutes. It attacked my throat. I felt this lysing.
It's what they call it when the cell swells up and theoretically it splits and expels all these viruses that then theoretically you expel out into the world. Anyway, And I'd been drinking chaga tea. I'd take vitamins. It was no big deal. I was a little bit hyped up on the vitamin D anyway because of all the...
Bear in mind, I'd been aware of the COVID since the previous summer at the military games when it was actually really released to go around the planet by trying to infect all these military people. Those giant Olympic games that they had had there,
deliberately to get them all there so they could be infected to go back to all of their armies so their armies would be depleted. This is the thinking. of the CCP. This was their master plan. And they've got a master plan that's underneath and is going to subsume the WEF. The WEF thinks they own the CCP.
The CCP is plotting against them to take over, use all of their mechanisms and so on. As soon as they reach maximum ability, the CCP is going to come out and try and take over in any event, though. So I got COVID at that point. It was a little a little coal,
a little hot coal on the inside of my throat, and I came back up, this on the beach, and I came back up here and, you know, had a cup of chaga tea and took another vitamin D, and it was gone. I mean, it didn't even last, it took maybe 15 minutes to get up off the beach,
and that was really the only time that I suffered it. Then, This past July, my wife's health crashed. I spent a number of hours with her in an emergency room in Olympia, Washington, and she got COVID and I got it as well. Now, at that point, I had been suffering. I'd been attacked on the beach. That had
I'd been seriously crippled by that attack on the beach that impacted everything because if you're crippled, it's difficult to cook. You don't put as much effort into it. You can't walk. It causes everything to be impacted, right? So I'd been suffering for a number of weeks when we ended up going to the emergency room.
I was run down. The stress was very great. And so I got a case of COVID. But for me, it didn't show up until the following week. So that was on a Tuesday and didn't show up for me until the following week on a Monday. My wife got,
she was in very poor health and so she got ill the very next day she thought she was getting ill. And so the COVID was really attacking her, right? And so that was on a Wednesday. I didn't get it until the following Monday. That's when I felt the impact of it. It lasted three days.
I took ivermectin and it went away. The biggest impact for me was sort of a sour stomach for a while. So I took two different kinds of probiotics and worked through it. It was not a big problem. But the point of bringing this up is now you've got all these people running around saying, oh, you know,
I mean, like people that were seriously freaked out about COVID in the beginning as professional doctors and so on, who may or may not have taken vaccines. It doesn't appear to matter at this stage. But in any case, they're coming out and saying that, well,
COVID is not really any worse than your average flu kind of a deal. And I know a guy who's got the COVID now and he's treating it. He's not even taking ivermectin, taking an extra vitamin D and, you know, taking it easy for a couple of days.
Now, the point of bringing all of this up is so that we can make some conclusions here. We know beyond certain, you know, it's absolutely certain that the powers that be want to reduce the population. They're depopulationists. They're eugenicists. So we know that they want to kill us.
And Bill Gates and all of these people, Tedros and the WHO and the WEF and all of this sort of thing. And we know that the WEF and the elements within the United States military structure and the United States education structure and the Chinese military structure and the Chinese education structure all participated to create COVID.
And they were trying to create a weapon that would not strike Khazarians and wouldn't strike Chinese, but that would kill white people and black people. And they wanted us to die en masse. And they wanted it to be super lethal and to spread very rapidly. without them doing anything.
So really all they had to do was to seed the area and then get the fuck out of the way. That was their understanding. Now, so I'm going to take a little step back into history here. We'll come back to this in a minute.
In the 60s, my father went through logistics school and he went through the war college. And so they dragged the families around on these things, right? And so we were there and I got to read all of his manuals and stuff.
And at the war college, because he, I mean, we're talking big stacks of books that he had to go through. These are basically advanced PhD kind of programs that he was going through in various aspects of warfare, you know, getting all your shit there, the logistics or, you know, doing it right.
And so the War College part, they had an extensive amount of stuff on bio warfare. And at that time, in the 60s, there was an understanding that they could do what the WEF wanted to do with COVID. All right. So the WEF wanted to create the COVID and basically give it to one person and let
that person spread it throughout the world and sit back and watch everybody die and then have the remaining people that didn't die going out and clean up all of the dead guys. And it would be all nice and cleaned up for the WEF. And, you know, the Elohim worship cult, the Jews, the West, the bankers, you know,
the royalty, however you want to think about them, right? All the pedophiles, all of these guys. That was their plan. That was their goal. So, in the 60s, I read about that in these official manuals from the Department of Defense. They were being used to train the U.S. Army and the U.S. Navy.
I don't know if the Air Force used these or not. Those manuals spoke about this in a way that the writers of the material at that time understood that the future world would have these very, very, very virulent diseases. very, very lethal diseases everywhere. And it was going to be just terrible. And in the 60s,
they knew they had to do everything they could to create bioweapons because the evil other ones, the Russians or whoever the fuck, bear in mind that our army in the 1960s was 100% Elohim worship controlled. Okay, we've been captured for... Since 1871, then that control has been gradually increasing year after year after year after
year until now the communists are out, the Elohim worship cult, you know, all of the banksters, the Jews at the top, all of this kind of stuff are out in the open. This is how far along we are. But in the 1960s, even then they were... they were saying that, well, this is the future of the world.
And that basically, as soon as you're going to be born in their version of the future, as they envisioned it in those manuals on how this warfare would develop, they were basically postulating that some point in the future, 40 or 50 years from then, so around 2000 or so,
they were postulating as soon as you were born as an infant, they'd shove you into a closed environment suit and you'd live in one of those the rest of your life because it was so dangerous out and about. Because there'd be so many people producing bioweapons and they'd be so lethal that
nothing could be done other than that approach to isolate us from our local environment. That's truly how they were thinking then. My father got trained in all of this and they had to understand and do all of this stuff. Now bear in mind, the warfare has used bioweapons since back when.
It was decided by the council of the rabbinical council in Vienna. And I can't remember the exact year. Maybe it was like 864, something like that. But I've got it in this book here. Marvelous book. A huge damn thing, like several thousand pages on Judaism. Hugely expensive book, but worth it.
Taking me forever to go through it because it's very depressing. But in any event, so this rabbinical council in Vienna decided that they had to do something against the rising power of the trade guilds. And so they decided to go and poison all the wells. And this was the creation of the Black Plague, which did them,
that was actually their undoing, because so many people, they just thought they were stupid. They just thought, well, these trade guildists that are demanding more money for their skills, and causing their financial system that we run to suffer because they were talking real money then, silver and gold.
And so they decided to kill them off and that would end their problem. What they ended up doing was killing off so many of them, about a third of the working males in the population in Europe, that it actually caused hyperinflation on wages because there were so few that were left.
And this caused the collapse of the trade, financial structure that was behind loaning money to the employers of the trade guilds. And it led to the Depression, the Dark Ages, and all different kinds of shit. Or the Dark Years, you know. Anyway, because so much of our history has been, you know,
fucked up the ass by the Elohim worship cult, and we're supposed to believe it. Very much like NASA. Anyway, coming back to COVID. Okay, so they want to do this. The WEF wants to kill us all off. They want to develop a disease that would do it for them. It's the cheapest possible way.
And now they're trying to do it with chemtrails and all this other stuff because diseases don't work. So now you have to understand that no matter what they say about the next giant great disease, it's horseshit. They can't do it. If they could do it, they would have done it by now.
They would have done it in 1918 if they could have done it. They would have done it in 1820 if they could have done it. They would have done it in the Black Plague if they could do it. They can't. You can't engineer such a virus. The mechanisms of disease will prevent it.
Now, so that's a good news, right? That all of their stuff is just horseshit. Monkeypox can only spread if you fuck a monkey, right? So it's not the, they're not going to be able to develop an airborne or a touch product that will spread throughout the social order and kill everybody.
They're going to have nothing but fear to try and get you to take their shots. The reason COVID was so deadly was that they included it in the shot. That's what made you That's what killed you was the shot, not the COVID. So it was a bioweapon at that level. That's how poor bioweapons function.
The idea that came out of the products that I read in the 67 and 68 period from the U.S. Army were their thinking about the future based on what they had discovered or what was coming out of this developing science called virology. Okay, the study of viruses. Virus means evil, by the way.
So they had an understanding that was bogus. It was bullshit. The virology manuals were wrong. The great polio epidemic was caused by the vaccines, not by the disease itself. The disease had a pattern and it ended, and then the vaccines picked up and created this great death spike from it.
The same thing was true of the flu in 1918. It was not the flu itself that killed the people, it was the vaccines. So virology itself is horseshit. I read the manuals, okay? So I went, when all this started in 2019, I thought, I gotta educate myself on this. I'd always hated getting into biology.
My mother was a nurse. She tried to cram all that shit down to me for 50 years. wanted me to be a doctor and all this kind of stuff, and I just hated it. It was an anathema to me. I was very much more mechanistic and science-oriented and stuff,
and didn't really like the soft aspect of the science at that point within biology. So I get into virology just to educate myself so that I would not be ignorant against what the WEF was using against me, because even in 2019, I saw that we were getting this hooked-up job, that they were spreading it.
Things were murky then and it wasn't as clear as it is now, but nonetheless that was the case. And so I read the coursework for the Columbia University master's program for doctors and it was also the first year virology and biochemistry course. Big, thick books I was quite disappointed in. Just terribly disappointed in them. They're hugely illustrated.
It's not a dense pack of information. It's more of a comic book approach. I was scandalized that this is what college textbooks had come to. So much space used on graphics and so little space on actual information. That was one. And then I started reading into the facts of virology and discovered, well, this thinking is really ass-backwards.
And so there's one key thing. They claim, I mean, I got this in the first couple of pages. The claim is made by the virologist that there's only one explanation for the lysation of cells. This is where a cell would swell up and burst. And if there were any other explanations than the one they proffer,
any others whatsoever, then their entire science is bullshit. It's not a science. It's the craziest patchwork of guesses and weird-ass cross-tying of things that are not related that I've ever seen. So at that point I knew that we were in deep shit because if these people actually
believed the stuff that the Columbia University School of Medicine was teaching as virology, and this was the number one dude's book, the number one class, and there was a lot of these guys at that point that were also on YouTube talking about their coursework and stuff, so you could still get at that.
And I thought, well, we're really screwed if the actual officialdom believes this stuff. And this is the problem we find ourselves in. That if officialdom... was educated such that they bought into virology, then they're going to continue on this idea that ultimately we'll get to this world
where you've got to be shoved into a closed environment suit just to protect yourself from all the virus that is out there. Obviously, that's not the case. None of us are in closed environment suits. We're 24 years past that point where they predicted we'd be. They were talking in the 60s, like in 67,
that Army manual said that by the year 2000, they were expecting that there would be something like 40,000 new virus variants, much of that 40,000 presumed to be very lethal and jumping around spreading. And we find out that the model being used by the virology people
is so flawed, doesn't reflect reality in so many ways that their science cannot be taken as being factual. It's not even really hypothetical and it's all based on conclusions that are bad conclusions. So like I say, if there's any other reason that a cell would burst open other than the virus
packing it to the point where the cell walls rupture, then virology is not based on any science but is based on a single instance of that. So it's like designing all of your car around the potential for a bulge in the sidewall of a tire that causes that tire to go flat.
You do everything around it and it's such a rare occurrence and hardly ever occurs and it's only in those deficient tires. So all of virology is based on a weak human model, okay? Most of medicine, which is anti-health here in the United States, is based on the idea of weak humans,
that they can create a virus that will kill everybody because it's simply lethal. They don't take into account that if you've got vitamin D and you can't get that virus, you can't get that enabling agent. you're not going to die. So there is validity to the idea that if you keep yourself at a high level of
biochemical integrity, then you are basically immune to their weakening agents, their lethality agents. But if you eat their food and so on, then hey, you're going to fall dead with this shit because your body has no effective immune system. So now, getting back to the other stuff, right? So in my data way back when,
it shows North America going into this period of time where we're going to be this powerhouse of a new approach to health, not medicine. not health care, but health, wellness, you know, health and wellness, not medicine and death. And so it's going to be a different kind of an approach because basically it'll be
like Americans are going to reinvent for themselves, rediscover and reinvent traditional indigenous medicines of all kind and claim them as our own. So it'll be cultural appropriation in that regard. And there's so much to learn there, but it's also seriously powerful. So anyway, so there is that. So if you were to pursue that now,
as people are starting to come away from their dependence on the broken medicine and death approach, you know, where their understanding is bogus, they have some good tools. So if I need a surgeon, hey, no worries. These guys know what they're doing, right?
But I'm not going to trust any diagnosis I get from them and I'm not ever going to let them do any kind of prescribing for me in any situation whatsoever. I will go and investigate that on my own and make my own decisions that way. Their source of education is so woefully lame,
reading all of these comic books basically for a college education and never questioning any of the fundamental assumptions based on erroneous conclusions that are in the beginning of all of these books. biochemistry of people, that was really cool. That was pretty good. The virology, which referenced some stuff in there, was just bogus.
Anyway, and as we know, there's not a whole lot to virology in the sense that if you're not weak if you don't have a weak immune system you're not weak to the virus or the causative agent whatever the it is uh and so uh it just is basically not a problem
so if covet is the worst that they've got well it's like okay you know you guys are weak especially against those purebloods that are you know getting their together and getting healthy So there's that aspect of this. So they can't do anything more than a psyop about the great pandemic in any form of any kind.
And it's the psyop that kills you, not the pandemic. So just bear that in mind as we go forward, because they're going to continue to try that because they don't, these people don't think very well. They can't improvise at all. And they can never think out of these particular boundaries.
And so they are going to try this shit repetitiously until it has 100% negative effect, and then they'll finally wise up and stop it. And then we're getting close to that. So you're not going to get monkey pox, so you don't have to worry about shots for the damn stuff, right? Now, one last thing I wanted to...
go into here is that I just happened to notice in the last data processing I was going through and doing clean up before I shifted some gear here into the house from the outbuilding and I was just intrigued by this one column and started just scanning through it,
went in and looked at the cross links because it was just a little weird. It was sort of like, what caught my eye was the slick, the word slick. You see it occasionally within the data sets, but you don't usually see it as a primary descriptor.
It usually falls in these areas of adjectives or adverbs that are modifiers to a primary descriptor. In this case, it was within that primary descriptor set for this larger set. And I thought, OK, so it's so in other words, it was not being used as an adjective to describe something as being slick.
It was being used as a label to describe a slick. Now, we use the word like a slick. If you were to try and describe something that was persistent and had had originated as opposed to. an action or a dynamic or a characteristic of something, right? So something could be sliding across the floor slickly, right?
Or, you know, it's forcing it. Or you could have a... you know, something could be expressed as that, you know, that ice or that granite has a smooth, slick surface. Here it was being used to describe an event that had been happened in the past. So it was some form of a slick, but it wasn't being described.
Its modifiers didn't include things like oil. So it wasn't an oil slick or any of this, but it was on a lake and it was associated with a UFO. And so that was an interesting juxtaposition, right? A slick on a lake, not the ocean, very specifically a lake. Also,
the lake is described as being a high mountain lake and a bunch of other stuff, so it's in a reasonably high area, alpine-like. Other than that, I don't know the continent. It's not indicated, although the data set itself had cross-links over to North America in Canada and North America in Alaska, but also in northern Eurasia,
which is to say Sweden, Finland and northern Russia. In a preponderance of cross-links, it would be Alaska or Canada. But those are not reliable geographic indicators. But the description is basically a video. So some people are camping or maybe it's a work party, something, is out in a rural,
maybe recreational area that has an alpine or has a lake in an alpine setting, you know, and Evergreen trees, that kind of thing. You know, rocky, cold, and that sort of thing. And it sees a UFO in conjunction with the lake and this slick.
And the dataset would indicate that the slick was left over, it was deposited there by the UFO somehow. And so then we get into the rest of the data set, which was really intriguing, which goes to the idea that the people that make the video
get a sample that they go go get samples of this material whatever the hell it is however it originated and whatever it was doing being expelled by the ufo into or on top of this lake i don't know if the ufo goes in the lake or if it comes out of
the lake or or what the hell it's just associated with the lake but this is in a pending set that sure reads like it'll happen this winter and so we might see video of this you know within the winter, January, February, or maybe even next spring, March or April. There were a lot of April associations,
a lot of spring associations with the larger data set that this one was within. And that data set itself is all about the opening of the discussion about the contention with the UFO and the space aliens. So a lot of the existing data sets are
tainted with that, if not developing more of a central focus around UFOs and stuff. Anyway, so I've been going at this long enough. I wanted to get some of that done, get some of that out of there. Basically, the takeaway is that they've gone off script.
It's going to get off production schedule and the scripts are going to get wonkier because they're having to improvise. Pretty soon they'll have to improvise as they're doing it, not just slightly ahead of it. And they can't create the bioweapons they're going to be telling you that they are creating.
Now, bear in mind that this is one last thing. So they create a psyop and they know it affects the whole population. They also know that that psyop affects the people that are there. unwitting minions, the people that work for the military, they're just following orders, the cops and all of that. They believe the fucking psyops, right?
And they have to design the psyops so that the cops will believe it. Because, or the military or whoever, all the minions. Because if those people do not believe it, then that sheer, because if they've been told the truth, then that sheer disbelief on their part will spread throughout the public because the The controllers,
I don't know that this class of minion understands that, but the controllers up here, the space aliens or whoever the fuck it was, used to understand the psychic nature of humanity and they would take this kind of shit into account. The midwits that are running things now do not apparently grasp this. And so they're going to start...
You'll start seeing their psyops fail because they won't take this into account and they're going to think it's a problem for them that their minions are actually believing some of the bullshit they're putting out, especially relative to the UFOs. And so they've got a very delicate balance that they're not going to be able to
achieve and they're going to tell certain people too much information. And even those people, even though those people will not necessarily blatantly reveal that information, the fact that they do, that they're clued in, that they're not, that they understand that the official line is 100% horseshit,
will leak out in their faces and through the other psychic means within the social order, and it'll spread very rapidly. And we're coming up into that. I think maybe even as early as this coming month here, October, you know, just days away. So watch out for space alien debris and stuff.
It's going to get a little bit funky out there. All right, guys, take care. I'll see you guys later.


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