S4 Ep39 Judging the Judge Not Passage in Matthew Seven

4 months ago

Matthew 7:1 ("judge not lest ye be judged") is probably the most quoted verse by believers and unbelievers alike in modern theological discourse. If we allow ourselves to think about it for over 4 milliseconds we'll realize there is no way the Lord is commanding his followers to never judge anything or anybody. To be sure, we must be very careful when we make judgments and we must always be aware of our own frailty and of our sin nature, but surely we must make judgments. We try to put a little meat on the bones by walking through the passage. And judgment is not limited to actions in scripture. We must judge doctrine, interpretations, and applications as well. And in judging these things, we must "rightly divide the Word of Truth." #theology #gospel

Message on David and Bathsheba referenced:

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