Neurology, Genetics, and Autism

1 month ago

Copyright This Is Life, KB, His Glory Alone Album, 2020.

#autism #autismpodcast #autismawareness
How is neurology, genetics, and autism connected? This is one of the questions I have been struggling with as I have been learning more about autism. Since getting the diagnosis, I have found more and more questions keep coming up as I continue researching for this book. I don't have all the answers, but I am going to keep looking and sharing bits and piece of what I have discovered while working on writing this book.

I hope this helps encourage anyone else who is on a search to understand autism as well.

I am open about my faith in Jesus Christ, because there is a lot of misunderstanding even in the Christian communities about autism and how it impacts autistic people. Healing autism may not look like what most people my expect, but Jesus Christ not only saves, but still heals. Sometimes, healing is understanding and loving people right, flaws and all. It is through knowing Jesus Christ that He has slowly been healing the broken parts of not only my spirit, but my mind by helping me search for answers and help understand how my mind operates. Though I do not have all of the answers or understand everything related to autism and how it impacts every single person, I hope that this information helps other people heal and learn about how autistic minds operate too. All humans sin and fall short of the glory of God; that is exactly why Jesus Christ had to die on the cross and conquer the grave for each person who repents and turns to follow Jesus Christ; that includes autistic people too.

God bless you on your journey and keep you.

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