UNEXPECTED PERSISTENCE: The things Jesus is willing to do…

5 months ago

UNEXPECTED PERSISTENCE: The things Jesus is willing to do…

If you've ever had to do something hard for Jesus, then I've got a Scripture That Makes A Difference for you.

In this video, we discuss…
Jesus' faithfulness,
the feeling that God is distant,
doing hard things for Jesus,
five times Jesus is closer than you think,

Today's text: https://biblia.com/books/esv/Mk15.33-39

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This video is adapted from messages by Pastor Mike Sommerfeld because I believe “Scripture Makes a Difference.”

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I hope you’ll come back again and hear more “Scripture that makes a difference.”

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Physical Address: Grace Mennonite Church https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100064860331718

This is original content based on the personal study of Rev. Mike Sommerfeld, Pastor of Grace Mennonite Church in Enid, OK. All images used in this video are believed to be in the public domain. Due diligence has been taken to prevent the use of copyrighted material. If our research is faulty, please consider that this channel is primarily educational and so, we believe, is covered under Section 107 of the Copyright Act.

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