20240417 164259 Tux Return Announcement Sign

3 months ago

I hung the first sign about him across the street where #Tux used to spend much of his time, and where most people interacted with him, announcing that he was fine but was away getting neutered and recuperating so that no one would worry about him. Miraculously, no one vandalized or removed the sign for the seven weeks that it was tied to the tree under which #Tux and #Cole often rested, waiting for passers-by to greet (and hopefully feed, according to) them.

This second sign announced his return, but I moved it over from their former tree after the first week to this location where he now seems to exclusively spend his time. #Cole was adopted and lives happily with the now-friend that I met while feeding Tux. She took him to get neutered and housed him for his first three weeks of recovery in her outdoor shed.

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