Houthis Stun Israel In Shocking Surprise Attack!

23 hours ago

Right, so as Israel atrocity ramps up in Lebanon and news broke that the order to level six residential blocks in Southern Beirut came from Netanyahu whilst he was at UN Headquarters in New York, war crimes being ordered from within the UN itself as that in effect has been given the death toll of innocent lives in order to take out Hezbollah’s leader Hassan Nasrallah, support for Lebanon has been vocalised by both Iran and the Houthis in Yemen, both of whom have pledged to send troops to Lebanon to take on Israel, as Netanyahu continues to essentially overreach himself, starting more war than his nation can possibly handle, hoping to drag in the US into the fray, forcing their hand as much as he can.
However the Houthis, having demonstrated only the other week that they were capable of firing missiles as far as Tel Aviv needn’t wait until they are in Lebanon to cause Israel further headache’s and in what would appear to be an assassination attempt of their own, they have claimed responsibility for targeting Ben Gurion airport, just outside of Tel Aviv, as Netanyahu was returning from the US.
Right, so it was only a couple of weeks ago now that the Houthis in Yemen announced the fact that they had this hypersonic missile, when two million residents of Tel Aviv were sent scattering at around 6:30am for the cover of shelters as air raid sirens went off and a missile struck just outside of Ben Gurion airport. Where some media report it came down in an uninhabited area near Tel Aviv, implying Houthi inaccuracy perhaps, or that this was a flex rather than a shot with intent, that was the official line of the Israeli army, the missile according to sources such as The Cradle actually came down in the town of Kfar Daniel in an area not far from Tel Aviv’s main Ben Gurion airport and as multiple video clips following the impact have shown, the strike caused fires in nearby forested areas and caused significant damage to a train station in another nearby town called Modiin, where a section of track was seen to be on fire.
Well the question was asked back then, well I wonder if the Houthis have any more of these and that question has now certainly been answered, it very much appears that they do.
They’ve called their hypersonic missile the Palestine-2, very on the nose, very clear as to why they have them, all in support of Palestine, Gaza and the West Bank, both having seen Israeli atrocity meted out to vary degrees not just since October 7th of course but going back decades, however much of global focus, as much as it remains on Gaza particularly, now also turns to Lebanon, where the assassination of Hezbollah leader Hassan Nasrallah, saw the largest attack on Lebanon by Israeli forces since the 2006 war between the two nations and which cost reportedly the lives of some 2000 civilians in order to succeed in taking out Nasrallah. Those deaths all ordered by Netanyahu whilst sat in the UN itself.
Well the Houthis have fired another one, this one apparently directly at Ben Gurion airport in Tel Aviv as Benjamin Netanyahu was coming in to land following his trip to the United States to address the UN, where a great many of the delegates of course walked out and after which he apparently ordered that Lebanon attack and the assassination attempt on Hassan Nasrallah which proved to be successful, the lives of the residents of 6 apartment blocks apparently a price Netanyahu was willing to pay to achieve this.
Here's an excerpt from Al-Jazeera detailing the attack by the Houthis:
‘The Yemen-based group’s military spokesperson says it launched an attack on Ben Gurion airport during the arrival of Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.
There was no immediate reports of damage or casualties. Netanyahu was returning from the United States after addressing the UN General Assembly.
“The Yemeni armed forces – along with all the honourable and free people of the nation – continue to respond to the crimes of the Israeli enemy, and will not hesitate to raise the level of escalation in response to the requirements of the stage and participate in the defence of Gaza and Lebanon.
“These operations will cease only after the cessation of the aggression against Gaza and Lebanon.”’
Now despite Israel not having a cat in hell’s chance of stopping one of these missiles when fired previously, they travel stupidly fast, can change direction and fly low, they do claim to have intercepted this one, and I have seen and image of a big chunk of this alleged missile that ended up landing near Jerusalem, which has you wondering, was this really one of the same sort of missiles and Israel either got lucky or came up with a response to these missiles already, or was it not the sort of missile the Houthis are claiming it was. Either way, it looks like this time the missile did not find it’s target. Certainly sirens went off at the airport, all timed to coincide with Netanyahu’s return from the US. We know Netanyahu and his entourage had landed whilst the sirens were going off because video footage from the Associated Press showed members of his staff seeking cover and of course Houthi spokesman Yahya Saree as ever took to the cameras at the Ansar Allah Media Centre in San’aa to detail what had been done. He has said:
‘In response to the crimes of the Zionist enemy in Gaza and Lebanon, the missile force in the Yemeni Armed Forces carried out an operation targeting what Israeli call Ben Gurion, Jaffa Airport, during the arrival of the criminal Benjamin Netanyahu. The operation was carried out using a Palestine-2 ballistic missile…
The Yemeni Armed Forces alongside the honourable and free people of the nation, will continue to respond to the crimes of the Israeli enemy and will not hesitate to raise he level of escalation in response to the requirements of the ongoing stage and to participate in defending Gaza and Lebanon.’
He certainly wasn’t claiming the action was a success and the Houthis generally do when they find their target. I suppose there’s an argument after the last hypersonic missile was fired at the same general area, Israel may have beefed up defences around Ben Gurion airport hence their success this time, it is reported that rather than Iron Dome defences bringing it down, the defence system most of us have heard about by now, it was Israel’s arrow defence system, which is more long range that succeeded in stopping the missile.
But regardless of the outcome this time, once again the Houthis have fired long range towards Israel, deep into their territories, successfully, and they couldn’t do that before they had the Palestine-2, so it appears Israel managed to finally bring one of these things down, whether they can do that repeatedly, especially if more were to get fired I still have my doubts, especially since reports of the piece that fell near Jerusalem come amidst a claim from the Hindustan Times that the rocket came down because Israel managed to knock a piece off, rather than out and out destroy it.
But for as much as Israel continues to ramp up tensions, refuses to de-escalate, continues to incite tensions and widen it’s aggression, so will those organising against them, there will be more of them, Hezbollah have already retaliated overnight, they are much closer, much better armed and with Nasrallah dead, they’ve been let off the leash and attacks on this scale will only continue to occur or worsen whilst Netanyahu refuses point blank to engage honestly in any ceasefire talks and dealings. He doesn’t want it, his government will collapse if he were to concede and work towards an end to hostilities, it simply will not happen. Things are just going to continue to escalate for as long as Israel has the means to do so and for as long as the US continues to provide the means for that, matters will keep on deteriorating. Little sign of that happening when both Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have praised the assassination of Nasrallah whilst forgetting to condemn Israel for killing 2000 innocents in the process.
For more on the Houthis new hypersonic capabilities, I went into more detail on this in this video recommendation here, missiles Israel were completely sidelined by, unprepared for, couldn’t handle and it makes me think they really did get lucky this time. Check it out as your suggested next watch, what the Houthis may still be able to bring to bear if they have more of them and I’ll hopefully catch you on the next vid. Cheers folks.

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