It's not Baptism or Circumcision that Saves Us, It's Christ Alone

4 months ago

Paul asks the question, is this blessing only available to the circumcised or is it for the uncircumcised as well? Paul is trying to address every excuse that may come up by the Jewish community. This argument of circumcision versus uncircumcision has been building to this point from the beginning of Romans. Paul reminds the community that Abraham followed God even when He was not circumcised.

The message that Paul is trying to convey is that you don't need rituals to be close to God. Jesus is the one we go through to establish a stronger more personal relationship with God. Once we are established through Jesus, we will have that unbinding relationship with both God and Christ.

Circumcision is a big part of the Jewish faith and is practiced in both the secular and religious communities today. This ritual went from a commandment from God to a cleanliness/ health issue in the secular world. Although the gentiles recognized these Jewish traditions they were still treated as outsiders. It did not matter how educated the Gentiles were in Jewish tradition, they were still not accepted into the Jewish community. It is only through the acceptance of Christ that that the Gentiles have the opportunity to live righteously while pursuing the life that Christ has given to them (Ephesians 2:11-12).

As Christians, at times we forget who is in control of our lives, who provides for us and who protects us and where our blessings truly come from. In our temporary lapse of recognition, we want to boast about our blessings to others in a "in your face" kind of way. There are other times where we get so focused on our own lives that we don't even think to or in some cases want to share the blessings that God has poured into us with others. I think we try to convince ourselves that these are my blessings and if you want your own you have to develop a personal relationship with God. As it is true, God will bless us through our personal relationship, our faith and obedience in and with Him, God will bless us in such a way that we cannot even imagine so we may bless others in a test of our faithfulness to Him. This faith includes knowing that God will provide our every need.

As true believers we should always share our blessings with those who are less fortunate with the resources that God provides to us. Blessing others with the things that God gives to us shows the love of Christ to those who are less fortunate or in some instances non-believers. God will use those blessings to point those non-believers to Himself. God will test everyone, and God has a way of testing our faith. God knows when to challenge us so we can see how strong of a relationship we have with Him. Our faith is what keeps us motivated to stay strong in Christ no matter what the circumstance. This faith translates into an important message for all to witness so they may know how to navigate their own Christian walk.

The reality is, Jesus wants to have a personal relationship with each one of us on an individual basis. This is so that He may minister to our personal needs and guide us in His way because He knows you and me better than we know ourselves. He knows our future and what will be best for us as we grow closer to Him. We go back to (Genesis 15:6) and see how Abraham was blessed because he trusted in the Lord. Through that trust in the Lord, God abundantly blessed Abraham. This is an example of where our faith comes from, where we should put our trust and who we should follow in good times and in times of trial and tribulation.

Our lives do not begin and end with who or what environment we were born into. Our life truly begins with our decision to fully commit to the Lord Jesus Christ. To seek Jesus and decide to live for Him and Him alone. Our life begins when we make Jesus and His Father the focal point in our life. To lean on Him for every decision we have to make whether it is large or small. Our life is defined by the choice we make to serve the Lord. We have all made choices throughout our lives but the single most important choice we can make is the choice to follow Christ and live for God.

In the final analysis does it matter if you are circumcised according to the world's standards? What should matter to each one is that we are circumcised with the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit is the third person of the trinity and has been given to us by God for the purpose of teaching us, guiding us and yes course correcting us when we drift from our relationship with Christ. If you have the Holy Spirit in you then you are circumcised, if you cringe every time you hear or see an evil act, then you have the Holy Spirit in you, if you are constantly thinking of God and Jesus and how you can effectively represent and serve them, then you have the Holy Spirit in you.

My prayer is that we would all recognize where our strength comes from. Our strength comes from the Lord Jesus Christ through our relationship we have with Him. I pray that our relationship continue to grow and our focus will continue to point to Jesus and away from the world. I pray that the world and the desires of the world will shrink as our relationship with Christ grows. Lord continue to provide for us, continue to protect us, continue to direct our path but more importantly continue to love us and fill us with Your Holy Spirit so we may live with you for eternity. In Jesus Mighty Name Amen! Amen!

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