"i have to be consistent" / No you don't.

5 months ago

Criticism is necessary, otherwise devolution is what you get.

all these pdf streamers are just doing what Hollywood elites can afford to do IRL.

Start off humble, as relatable streamers then as soon as they get a little clout, and a following of young people, an ounce of power or status then their inner Hollywood demon comes out and they just go buckwild with their impulses.

*Not instinct; But impulse. Two different things. One is natural, one is not.*

When you say "I have to be consistent" vs not I have to do what's right- you know there's bias in there.

And what he actually said was such an extreme derailing the actual question, dude was overcompensating.

That's like being asked is "child abuse bad?" and you bring up a "what about-isms" regarding kids making your shoes in sweat shops when the answer to the question is very simple: Yes, it is wrong.

If you have to be consistent over being cognizant of facts or basic humanity, you're a failure. I don't give a shit how much you make, you're a social failure, the collective village failed.

Society failed, we have to presume your parents treated your upbringing like a part-time gig or a freelance obligation & didn't really give a shit, and your culture sent you the wrong signals.

Why? How do I know this? Because babies aren't coming out the womb defending CP for the sole basis of being "consistent".

That's not a child specimen raised right, that's a product not raised properly at all.

_This is what happens when people trade values for tolerance. Because they think being quiet is keeping the peace. When peace is not the same as silence. _

And in given time, soon, what he's saying? The chat won't even question it. Give it 50 years or less, my video will be considered a hatecrime, thoughtcrime, hatespeech.

Whatever the silencer code will be for that year.

This is why criticism is necessary, this is why accountability is civilizational essential.

#accountability #Memes #deflection #lessermook

Don't confuse being apathetic with being a good person just cause confrontation might make you sweat a little bit.

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