Gregory Wrightstone: Fear of a Manufactured Climate Crisis Is Being Used to Control Our Lives

6 days ago

"They're using fear to impose control."

Geologist Gregory Wrightstone: "They're manufacturing a man-made, imaginary climate crisis with which to frighten our children."

"They want to control every single aspect of your life, and they want to intentionally drive up the cost for electricity, and energy of all types... That is their goal."

"Why would we voluntarily give up our freedoms to choose... what kind of car to drive, how to heat our homes, what temperature to heat or cool our homes... how much water comes out of our shower, or what kind of dishwasher we buy?"

"Why would we do that unless there was an existential crisis, and the Earth was on the edge of catastrophe, and millions would die? So they have to impose that fear to get the control."

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