Upper Deck 2024 Extended Epack Red Young Gun Outburst FINALLY A MOJO HIT!!

5 months ago

Well we finally did it, bought a single pack randomly and we finally hit something big.

Upper Deck Epack for those who don't know is Upper Deck's site that allows people access to packs from which you can perform achievements. Whether those achievements are worth it. That's for the individual, however, it's the first to do certain achievement, the prize is often pretty lucreative, iet Tiger woods auto or Bedard Rookie autos, Gretzky Autos, 1/1, plates, etc

The cards can be redeemed for physical copies. My guess is that they have someone(s) actually open physical product, then scan them. So really, it's 1 giant card store online.

The downside is that it can be fairly addicting because of how easy it is to use.
The other downside is that if you're not from the US, it's pretty pricey to ship the physical cards. That said you can send to ComC to sell through there.

Disclaimer that I've bought many random single packs on epack, and it is fairly addicting. So use responsibly.

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