Trump Won! We ALL Know IT!

5 months ago

When all said and done; all the news corporation that covered up the lies, their people need to pay a heavy penalty! $100 billion to 1 trillion bucks! What do you think??? WOW, you say the Main Stream Media should pay a fine of ten Trillion Dollars and their Corp heads sent to GITMO for high treason trials? Amazing!

ABC, NBC,CBS,MSNBC,CNN, CNBC, all all main stream media one President Trump assassinated dead, put out of commission because they are on the side of money, laundering human trafficking woman abuse, children abuse, pedophilia, pornography, lies cheating, and everything else imaginable. Of course, there are few GOP types that are working with them as well. Are you one of them?
Make America Great Again; I still have my Keep America Great, hat!

President Trump was right all the time even before that I have observed Google taking out some of the history of Waco Texas! President Clinton and Reno’s debacle killing all those people, but the only feds that died were shot in the back of the head execution style ask yourself why and why Google removed it from the Internet, but not off the dark web the dark web, keeps all the crap, including a lot of your personal information! DARPA, NSA FBI,CIA a lot of our government organizations have worked against Americans starting from the middle management all the way to the top. Loads of corruption, they were corrupted with a lot of crap, you know it, I know it, they know it and that’s another reason why they have to take President Trump out! It’s time to drain the swamp and to terminate the swamp monsters, put them out of business! This includes the main stream media, high level leaders-line, and a lot of heads from corporations that have stolen from America!

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