Shawn Taylor – Exposing the Local Cabal – Public Corruption, Mortgage, Voter, & Campaign Fraud

5 months ago

** --> “They are creating Generational Bankruptcy with the current system.”

“The US Constitution was Written by Criminals for Criminals.”

Every branch of government has been caught in Corruption. This is why all the 3 letter Bureaus are coming after Millersville Tennessee Assistant Police Chief Shawn Taylor.

These guys have the goods on many divisions of government corruption – child trafficking, the mortgage scam on inflating home prices, narcotics trafficking, election fraud, voter registration fraud, campaign finance fraud, money laundering and more.

The Tennessee Bureau of Investigations raided Shawn Taylors home and one of these agents urinated in his shower and tracked it throughout his home – blaming it on his dog.

This was a covert operation investigating ongoing governmental crimes.

It is Private Sector Racketeering Investigation that other law enforcement agencies and REAL Journalists should be investigating.

We have no Free Press to challenge the tyrants of society. Now the Press is a just a lab dog standing for those criminals.

It is time to stop allowing selected district attorneys to investigate local corruption because they were chosen to be puppets to divert attention in different directions so the criminals can continue their operations with no worries.

If we continue to allow “appointed” – “selected” politicians to participate in high level of corruption they will totally ruin our country because they are stealing from the public, they are robbing the people and they are representing a criminal organization with the objective of destroying America.

Society has permitted this to go on for decades.

Many school boards and town councils need to be replaced. It begins on this local level. They are no longer being accountable to do the right things.

Local Action makes a National Impact. This is how we begin to take back our country.

They are creating Generational Bankruptcy with the current system, this will effect every person as the price of things are going to get so high, that the average Joe is going to be forced to liquidate their assets, including their homes, just for family survival.

We need to have Public Corruption Hearings with our Congressman and Representatives.

These f*ckers need to be exposed. We need to shine a spotlight on these criminals. These criminals are a cancer to society. They are an internal threat, right here in America.

The Search Warrants that assistant police chief Shawn Taylor received, the DA and the Judge were subjects of interest in the very investigation of crime. So, you just might have the leading criminals in positions of power that makes them untouchable.

How convenient for them. It is no wonder America is in the process of being destroyed.

These public and local criminals

Mark Finchem says that his Law Professor told him something on day 1 that he was to remember and never forget and that was -- “The US Constitution was written by Criminals for Criminals.”

But if you can get the criminals in front of a jury, we have a chance. The difficult part is getting them in front of a fair jury.

The Mortgage Scam

Shawn Taylor says the physical evidence he had was taken by the Tennessee Bureau of Investigations, but he says they involved Blanket Mortgages.

A blanket mortgage, also known as a blanket loan, is a single mortgage that covers multiple properties.

The properties are used as collateral for the loan, and the borrower can sell individual properties without paying off the entire mortgage.

Shawn says that there are multiple $ Billions if not $ Trillions in which properties are being purchased at high prices with these blanket loans, which can mask as individual cash buyers, this is a geopolitical plot to take out Generational Families.

Companies are strategically buying up residences to push the generational families out. This is a crime.

This is creating a political shift.

Shawn Taylor says that they have identified their method. They were trying to move forward to validate this information and they were stopped by the Tennessee Bureau of Investigations, which is a puppet for the FBI.

Shawn says this ties back to key source states and into Maricopa Arizona, they are finding Shell Companies that come back to a single PO Box and then that comes back to a single physical address.

The Cash Buyers – are getting cash from Narcotics Trafficking and Sex Trafficking – these purchases need to be tracked down and discovered where these nefarious means are, gather evidence, verify and validate it and then get the warrants to hold these criminals accountable.

Shawn says that there appears to be “Strawman” in other countries involved in this operation of residential home purchasing.

We need to become Citizen Journalists ourselves since the “real” journalists are just becoming paid to be a shill.

The best disinfectant to corruption is sunlight. We the people are the light. We need shine the light on these guys and they will run away.

*If you are not yet familiar with Shawn Taylor – watch this → Assistant PD Chief Shawn Taylor of Millersville TN Exposes The Biggest Corruption Story In America --


1. Dale Vincent –

2. Election Fairness Institute --

3. The Tennessee Political Corruption Story is But a Snapshot --

4. Assistant PD Chief Shawn Taylor of Millersville TN Exposes The Biggest Corruption Story In America --

5. Your News –


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END. 10/1/2024 – 9:00 PM

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