Berbiguier and the goblins # literature #curosity #goblins

3 months ago
Did you know that Alexis-Vincent-Charles Berbiguier was one of the most tormented writers in history? According to him, he was constantly harassed by little goblins, which he called farfadets, that had invaded his home. This is reflected in his three-volume autobiography Les Farfadets, or All Demons, are not from the other world.

He claimed to have constant battles with these invisible creatures and attempted to rid himself of them through strange rituals, such as sticking needles into the heart of an ox or, when he captured one, trapping it in a bottle filled with tobacco, pepper, and aromatic herbs.

Berbiguier was eventually admitted to the Salpêtrière mental institution, where he became one of the first people to receive psychotherapy from Dr. Philippe Pinel. Unfortunately, his condition could not be cured, and he died alone and insane, in a year that remains unknown.

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