Jimmy Dore: They want a wide open border for many reasons

4 months ago

"They want a wide open border for many reasons. One of them is it suppresses wages in a tight labor market And we all bernie sanders used to complain about this in 2015 Bernie sanders is saying open borders. That's a coke brothers thing. They want to do that They want to bring in cheap later to to undermine the union workers is that because that's exactly true All right, and and um, but another thing is now they're doing it at such a high level They want to create chaos here in the united states. So we beg for authoritarian rules and 15-minute cities and digital banking and all that stuff, it's all bad. And so they had to then take Donald Trump, this beloved billionaire real estate game show host and turn him into Hitler slash Stalin to keep you voting for their hand chosen military industrial complex tools like Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, and now Kamala Harris. That's what this is all about. They had to, and again, I think Donald Trump is, I said this on someone else's show, you know, oh, Chris Hedges, I was just talking with him and we were trying to figure out why Donald Trump didn't, he was the only president in recent history that didn't start a war. And why is that? And my only conclusion is that I've heard from people who are close to him said he can't stand to make those phone calls to the Gold Star families and tell them that their kids are dead. He can't do that. So what I told Chris Hedges was that, I think Donald Trump is corrupt, but he's like New York real estate corrupt. He's not military industrial complex, CIA corrupt. Those are two different levels. These guys are doing mass murder for political gain. He's fudging the numbers on how much his property is worth for political gain and maybe screwing over some workers. That's a total different type of evil than Dick Cheney level evil. And so that you're right. So you get a choice, but it's a lesser of two evils. But as Glenn Ford from the black agenda report said, the Democrats are able to implement a much greater evil."

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