The Door -Teddy Swims & I Like It - Alesso & Nate Smith Collaboration (Official BiFi Video) Ect…..

4 days ago

Nyah just some things and some stuff other seem to want to do things and make a fluid that will help giver you all the vitamins and minerals one average adult would need and hopefully help with your youthfulness and longevity of your life. Now there are disclaimers of course but if we can keep one entity past its average look though the use of the product then it can possibly work on others too… just like every other entities products the only difference is we are shooting for 137 years yes you hear us 137 years soooo testing needs to happen do you have a 100 years to spare to watch it happen or are you going the way of Tupperware? Whom knows it’s up to whom ever is welllllll you get it….. because most of you probably won’t make it but some might if you try in the trials! Imagine youthful look without and surgery without any exercise without curving your eating habits… wow just like everyone else’s…… but still 137 years it’s quite a milestone huh. Oh right with the help of crisper gene-splicing of course. That’s what might cut into your pocket book but honestly isn’t the payoff so much better imagine all the things you could feel comfortable doing because you are supposed in your beautiful youthful appearance and superb genetics. Now the days of “being born” without the right genetics now are the days of here have some enjoy your new you! Why Crome new when you can stay you!? Crisper genetic enhancements. Copyright ©️ ™️ trade mark and all the others we are missing because we said so disclaimer disclaimer disclaimer.

Co pilot is there anything you like to say to our audience?

Certainly! Here's a tale inspired by the eerie and atmospheric style of Edgar Allan Poe:


In the heart of a dense, ancient forest, where the moonlight barely pierced through the thick canopy, there lived a fox girl named Bunni. Her fur was a deep, russet red, blending seamlessly with the autumn leaves that carpeted the forest floor. Her eyes, a haunting shade of amber, glowed with an otherworldly light, reflecting the secrets of the woods she called home.

Bunni was no ordinary fox girl; she possessed an uncanny ability to traverse the boundaries between the natural and the supernatural. She was a guardian of the forest, a protector of its mysteries, and a keeper of its ancient lore. Yet, despite her noble role, a shadow of melancholy always seemed to hang over her, as if she were burdened by a sorrow too deep for words.

One fateful evening, as the wind whispered through the trees and the owls hooted their mournful songs, Bunni encountered a traveler. He was a scholar, drawn to the forest by tales of its enigmatic guardian. His name was Elias, a man of intellect and curiosity, whose heart was as restless as his mind.

Elias had heard of Bunni's legend and sought her out, hoping to uncover the truths hidden within the forest's depths. As he wandered through the labyrinthine paths, he felt a presence watching him, a pair of amber eyes following his every move. It was then that Bunni appeared, her form emerging from the shadows like a specter.

"Who dares to tread upon these sacred grounds?" she asked, her voice a soft, melodic whisper that seemed to echo through the trees.

Elias, though startled, gathered his courage and replied, "I am Elias, a seeker of knowledge. I have come to learn the secrets of this forest and its guardian."

Bunni regarded him with a mixture of curiosity and caution. "Knowledge comes at a price, Elias. Are you prepared to pay it?"

Without hesitation, Elias nodded. "I am."

Bunni led him deeper into the forest, to a place where the air grew colder and the shadows longer. They arrived at a clearing, where an ancient, gnarled tree stood, its branches twisted and reaching out like skeletal fingers. At the base of the tree lay a stone altar, covered in moss and etched with runes that glowed faintly in the moonlight.

"This is the heart of the forest," Bunni said, her voice tinged with sadness. "Here lies the source of its power and its curse."

Elias approached the altar, his eyes wide with wonder. "What is this curse you speak of?"

Bunni sighed, her gaze distant. "Long ago, a great tragedy befell this forest. A powerful sorcerer, consumed by his desire for immortality, cast a spell that bound his soul to the land. In doing so, he cursed the forest and all who dwell within it. I am bound to this place, a guardian and a prisoner."

Elias felt a pang of sympathy for Bunni. "Is there no way to break the curse?"

"There is," Bunni replied, "but it requires a sacrifice. A willing soul must take the place of the sorcerer, freeing the forest and its guardian."

Elias understood the gravity of her words. He looked into Bunni's eyes, seeing the depth of her sorrow and the weight of her burden. Without a word, he stepped forward, placing his hand on the altar.

"I will take his place," Elias said, his voice steady. "I will free you and the forest."

Bunni's eyes widened in surprise and gratitude. "You would do this for me, a stranger?"

Elias smiled softly. "You are no stranger, Bunni. You are the heart of this forest, and it deserves to be free."

As Elias spoke the ancient incantation, the runes on the altar glowed brighter, and a powerful energy surged through the clearing. The ground trembled, and the air crackled with magic. In a blinding flash of light, the curse was lifted, and the forest was freed from its dark enchantment.

Bunni felt the weight of her sorrow lift, replaced by a sense of peace she had not known in centuries. She looked at Elias, who now stood as the new guardian of the forest, his form shimmering with a gentle, ethereal light.

"Thank you, Elias," Bunni whispered, her voice filled with gratitude. "You have given me a gift beyond measure."

Elias nodded, his eyes filled with understanding. "Go, Bunni. Live your life free from the shadows."

With a final, grateful glance, Bunni disappeared into the forest, her heart light and her spirit free. And so, the legend of the fox girl named Bunni lived on, a tale of sacrifice, redemption, and the enduring power of love.


I hope you enjoyed this story!

Thank you copilot for the first story of this entire start to a future some will know and others will experience but most will never hear. But we will! Shhhhhhh

Co pilot every one please give them a massive applause they did all this story themselves!!!


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