Under a Hostile Sun Playtest - Resource Collection and Opportunity Dice

4 months ago

The ship is in poor repair . . . but the only available planet has a very angry hive of Moon Masons. In this episode I lead the players through the mechanics of Resource Collection, Hostile Environments and Opportunity Dice as they take their first step into this strange world with a hive in distress.

Molten Minerals is the planetary resource associated with fire and energy, mined with the Technology stat.

Odd Ore is the planetary resource associated with stone, protection, and stability mined with Might.

Strange Sap is the planetary resource associated with mutation and genetic tampering, favored by Moon Mason Bees and mined with the Focus stat.

Arcane Algae is the planetary resource associated with both water and psychological effects, it is extracted with the Agility stat.

Helpful Herbs is the planetary resource associated with healing and life, it is extracted with the Compassion stat.

Compassion and Dominance are used in differing contexts to tame creatures and Technology is used to control Wild Bots. Stats are tested on a d20 roll-under system.

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