Fox News: More than 50 Dead After Hurricane Helene

7 hours ago

Griff: more than 50 people are dead after hurricane helene slammed into the southeast, and millions are still now without power. Steve Harrigan is live in gulf port, Florida, with the very latest.
>> Now stands at 52, it’s been – 52, it’s likely to go up even further as we learn of more deaths in North Carolina. Conditions there very bad, also affecting communications, so they’re not releasing the numbers of dead there until they’re able to communicate with family are. So 52 now but likely – 52 now. Many killed far away from where the storm made landfall. Here in pinellas county, the hardest hit in Florida, ask and we are 200 miles away from where that storm hit. In large part that’s because of the storm surge. Here it was about 8 feet of water and really caught a lot of people by surprise. The governor of Florida saying in some areas he is witnessing complete devastation. Here’s Ron DeSantis.
>> You know, you see some homes that are now just rubble. This stuff’s coming in, it’s fierce, and it just is unstoppable. So there’s a lot of damage that we’re seeing here.
>> Priorities for the state has been to restore electric power. There’s been tens of thousands of power teams from around the country really coming here trying to do that. They’ve restored power to more than 2 million homes, but some counties there are still close to the 100% outages. Griff, back to you. Griff: Steve Harrigan life in

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