Not following your excitement. NOT the most desirable results.

4 months ago

In this episode, I share my experience on rejecting my excitement and passion. Because I ran, because I resisted, because I tried to escape, I manifested circumstances that were out of alignment and were not preferable. I was resisting my TRUE authentic self. Clear your belief systems, and allow yourself to follow your passion and excitement, even if in small doses at first. If their is fear it is because of your belief system.

#passion #howtofindyourpassion #life #followyourpassion

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Key Takeaways

1. Ignoring intuitive urges: Staying in misaligned from self leads to manifested obstacles and chaos, but truly only leads you back to yourself.

2. Unconscious beliefs: The subconscious beliefs from childhood are running on autopilot and it is up to you examine yourself and choose preferred beliefs that align to your authentic self.

3. Excitement: Following your excitement and passion is crucial for aligning with your highest path, even if it means letting go of everything familiar. If you LEAN into your excitement and passion you automatically align with your authentic self. If you RESIST, whatever is happening in your life will PERSIST.

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