The Hermit and Go9lden Dragon Vlog

3 months ago

The Hermit and Go9lden Dragon Vlog Title is from the date September 28, 2024 thus 45 which adds to #9 the Hermit card a retreat up the mountain of enlightenment to go within to find inner wisdom and share it with the world. The
Dragon Oracle deck gave us the Go9lden dragon to expand your light for ascension. Be a peaceful warrior.Help those in need.Remember your magnificence.

Space Weather site showed a small class C cme again same place so not sure . The solar wind density is nine protons per centimeter. The solar wind speed was 350 (KPS). The temperature is 200,000 Kelvin. A very hot wind. The KP index started out too low for the geomagnetic activty which leaves us open ot cosmic rays we came back into the green with a level of 1.25 at 6:00 AM UTC not real strong but strong enough. It staid that way up and down but never going to null again.

I shared a clip of Donald Trump's Town Hall meeting in michigan. Where he took questions from the crowd. I got into a rant about how aai am beginging to like the guy in spite of his stance on the Vaccine which really set me off on an explanation of what a vaccine used to be and what it is now.
I then decided to pull some cards on the Kamala Harris race if should would make it to the election. We start with the Hanged Man indicating her campaign is halted. With the three of Swords indicating w she isbroken heartedin the past position we have the Tower card indicating a collapse of the democrats structure. In the as it appears spot we have the ten of cups thisis the way the mainstream media is playing the disaster much fanfare no substance. Below the 10 of cups we have the Ace of cups we have anew feeling could it be the P-diddy fallout? then the page of Wands a small truth comes out which results in the Justice card is in her future. to clarify the when I drew the tow of pentacle and the page of cups which I interpted to betwomonthsat the outside which puts her beyond election day when she meets her justice in the public eye.
Space Weather site:
Trump's Town Hall in Michigan:

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