Modified Dell T7810 Workstation Upgrade with a 1080ti

2 months ago

In this video, I will show you how to modify the side panel for larger graphics cards in addition to giving you that additional breathability so that hot air won't stay trapped. Some minor modifications were made to accommodate this graphic card. Being a longer 3 fan variant of the 1080ti it is otherwise 95% OEM.

List of modified items are:
1) ROM expansion bay corner was cut to make room for the gpu power connectors which I utilized some right angle connectors.
2) removed the HDD bay and adding an SSD.
3) side panel cutout for the gpu.
4) making a single male 8-pin to dual male 8-pin connector

The power supply distribution PCB has an 8-pin out connector that often comes with a 6-pin connector a most people use a splitter but you can utilize this right from the board and make it cleaner.

These Dell T7810 Workstations make reliable gaming pc's without too much work.This unit was modified using simple power tools like a drill, angle grinder, and rivet gun.

Intel Zeon E5 2620 V4
GTX 1080ti
Dell 685 watt power supply
Kingston 500gb 2.5" SSD

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